Echoes of the Red Khmer regime or the Tolo Slag Museum in the Poin Pen.


If you are planning to visit the capital of Cambodia in a punk, then the Tolo Slag Museum is a place where you may be interested to look. At every turn, taxi drivers will offer this tour, so it will be not difficult to get there, the museum is located in the central part of the city.

Echoes of the Red Khmer regime or the Tolo Slag Museum in the Poin Pen. 4233_1

I recommend to visit only those whose nervous system is resistant to the image of bloody tortures and torture.

Tuol Slag is the building of the former school, which was converted to prison with torture cameras during the reign of red Khmer from 1975 to 1979.

More than 20 thousand people here were tortured to death and only a small percentage of prisoners managed to avoid death.

People got into this prison under the article "Spying", but in Nasami, there were all who, according to Paul Pot, could represent the danger of his regime.

These were students, teachers, academics, doctors, party leaders, Buddhist monks and many others. All those who have had education could read and write a danger. The regime ruthlessly destroyed these people, leaving complete ruin in the country after his fall in 1979.

Upon arrival in prison, everyone was undressed, their personal belongings were selected and forced their biography. All the facts starting from early childhood should have been listed. This gave the base for countless interrogations by prison workers.

The prisoners were photographed and assigned them a sequence number, you can see a huge number of victims of victims on the walls of the prison.

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Prisoners were placed in isolated narrow cells, where they slept right on the cement floor. They were forbidden to talk to each other. They fed them twice a day with small portions of liquid rice porridge, dried only with the approval of the guards. Hygiene was absent there, which led to the spread of various skin and infectious diseases. Purchased killed.

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Echoes of the Red Khmer regime or the Tolo Slag Museum in the Poin Pen. 4233_4

The day in prison began at 4.30 am with checking all prisoners for the presence of items that they could kill themselves. Suicide attempts were not rare, some prisoners managed to finish their suffering on their own.

All prisoners were tortured by seeking false confessions from them.

All tools for torture are preserved in the museum. People were caught by iron chains to beds, poured them with metal rods, burned, cut off her fingers and hands.

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Echoes of the Red Khmer regime or the Tolo Slag Museum in the Poin Pen. 4233_6

Torture was many hours and ruthless, as long as the prisoner did not recognize his guilt. After that, recognizing the guilt was shot or hung in the yard of the school.

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The dead stained into the general graves in the prison, when the places began to be lacking, they began to be taken out of the city, where they were burned and also dumped into graves.

Approximately 80 foreign citizens also fell into the S-21, it was not possible to survive any of them.

Echoes of the Red Khmer regime or the Tolo Slag Museum in the Poin Pen. 4233_8

Echoes of the Red Khmer regime or the Tolo Slag Museum in the Poin Pen. 4233_9

A visit to the museum will deepen the understanding of the horror that the population of this country experienced. It will become clear why Cambodia is still so hard to rise with his knees and start developing. The imprint of sadness is still very not very noticeable on people's faces, such a feeling that fear passed the genetically even to the young generation.

A visit to Tol Slag taught me even greater compassion, now I try not to condemn people, but trying to understand them through the study of their history and sincere interest in the experienced nation events.

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