Sevastopol - very Russian city


I came to Sevastopol on the train - it is convenient and inexpensive. And the word, there are also trains from Simferopol.

He arrived mainly in order to look at the parade dedicated to the Day of the Navy of Russia.

Initially, she walked around the empty city - in 4-5 in the morning he was still sleeping. Then I found a comfortable place and looked at the parade - the spectacle, of course, is cool, sorry that is far away.

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And then sat on one of the urban ferries (in Sevastopol there are several of them) and for very modest money rolled in the bay of the North and back. On the way, he saw many of those warships, which was involved in the parade.

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And after visiting the famous Chersonesos (nearby, by the way, a free beach, albeit with people), accidentally discovered opposite the ancient Karaite cemetery, where many tombstones are well in a hundred years.

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Sevastopol - Interesting, beautiful and rich sights city by the sea. And I unmistakably determine that this is a very Russian city - if it were not for the price of hryvnia, would be sure that I am in Russia.

Well, I was time to say goodbye and fly on the train to Simferopol.

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