Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists.


A couple of tips for those who go to Cambodia.


Cambodian currency is called Riel (KHR). The exchange rate is approximately the following: 1 dollar = 4000 rheel. Dollars in Cambodia can be used for shopping, although the sales sellers can give you in Riesel.

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_1

Moreover, most often. Riel is not a convertible currency, which means that outside of Cambodia, banks will not accept or exchange Rielie, and you will have to give them to your friends as souvenirs. International ATMs are available in most major tourist centers throughout the country.


Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world, however, the country remains a fairly safe place. Small theft is, of course, an existing problem, that is, on the street you can pull the bag, well, or in a pocket, climb in the crowd, but violent crimes are rare phenomenon. Just be thought out and careful. To drink 15 varieties of beer and go to the hotel walking at 3 am unsafe in any country in the world.


Corruption is a rather pressing problem of Cambodia, like Laos. Do not be surprised if the police will require money from you without any reason.

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_2

If you robbed and you reported this Polisman, do not expect CSI investigation standards. Most likely, they will say that they will do everything in their power and after a minute they will forget about you.


As in the neighboring Laos, health care is suffering here.

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_3

Something more seriously, the bruise and core will have to be treated to Thailand or Singapore. Please do not subscribe to serious treatment in the Cambodian hospital, and in general, if possible, stay healthy, take with you all the necessary medicines, wear helmets if you drive on the motorcycles. In short, the main thing is not to show in Cambodia.


Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_4

Public transport in Cambodia is quite inexpensive. Signs on the roads, of course there is, but the drivers often on them are just scored, they drive as they want, and they are not fastened. Often both local and tourists move on a taxi motorcycle (they are often called "Motos" here. If you sit down to taxi driver and take a motorcycle for rent, be sure to wear a helmet. And if you do not want, then re-read the paragraph higher.


Almost 96% of Cambodia population speaks Khmer.

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_5

This is the only official language of Cambodia. Some of the older generation know the French (echoes of colonial times), but in recent years those who will understand your "Wu Franca Parl?" less. French, by the way, is used in the education system in many schools and universities, and even, the government of the country (very slightly). But, since the last couple of decades in Cambodia began to visit more and more tourists, there was a need to teach English - so, more or less people speak English here. And, by the way, Chinese too. Of course, Khmer language for us many sounds exactly as incomprehensible as Vietnamese or Chinese.

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_6

And, bye, the locals are talking on a number of dialects of national minorities: these are cham and Chinese dialects, Lao, Thai and others - mixing with Khmer. However, the mountain peoples are their own languages: Zyaray (Jarai), Ede (Rada), styling, so, and others. It is even better to buy an Anglo-Khhemra Frazbuck - helps in communicating. Khmer words are quite simple to pronounce a Russian-speaking man, and local residents will understand you normally. Not that in Vietnam - there is intonation, or more difficult.

Mentality of local residents

Many tourists note that Cambodians differ very different from Thais. Not that the skin color and growth (in general, in Southeast Asia is about all the same, well, thais, except that, morestanding for some reason), and mentality. For example, Cambodians are a very curious people (again, compared with Thais).

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_7

Be prepared for the fact that you will simply be squeezed with questions, not even bothering listening to the answer. Basically, this is the merchants and those who offer services - massage, for example. Moreover, it will be understood until they buy. Maybe Khmer themselves are quite passive people, but the tourist sphere has taught them to be such, fight for a penny (or riel). Both in small towns and in larger cities, be prepared for the fact that Khmer children will be worn for you, demanding a dollar. Or not a dollar, but food (so, probably, puzzles sounds "I do not Want Money, I Want Only Milk!" - holding a one-year-old brother on the hands).

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_8

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_9

By the way, if the dollar can be flashed, then the milk is expensive here (sometimes under 10 bucks), so if they take on such fairy tales, you will leave Cambodia with empty pockets. In addition, the most fournal tourists, children will begin to breed and other products in the store. In general, so: if you do not feel sorry, distribute a couple of dollars to all asking, you, as they say, will be rewarded. Moreover, if you remember what horrors, the people survived into relatively recent times!

If the girl came to the hotel alone, the Egyptian Danitel will begin here: the reception workers will be interested in where your husband does not want to go swim in the sea together and so on.

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_10

Taxi drivers on the street can also whistle after Something like "Ay Vont Yu, Bayby".

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_11

So thais compared to Cambodian - just some angels! If the girl alone decided to go to the cafe, then, prepare for the fact that some local cavalier will be inopened to you. In general, it can be noted that Khmers are not so calm and hospitable as Thais.

And a few more words about Cambodia

Cambodia is still still developing country, and tourism here is far from better. Well, except for well-known tours. And you should not expect a super-class service in Cambodia (although in hotels is all right).

Useful information about the holiday in Cambodia. Tips for experienced tourists. 4224_12

Do not allow broken pedestrian paths, leaking toilet bowls and dripping air conditioning to lay out in love with Cambodia. After all, in essence, this is a very exciting place! Yes, spending a vacation in Cambodia a little more difficult than spending a week on the beach in Thailand - but much more interesting. Try to look more, and not just "banal" Angkor Wat, and it is likely that you will want to return to Cambodia more than once.

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