What excursions worth visiting in Beijing?


Beijing has places that should be visited by completely all tourists, regardless of age. Especially interesting, these excursions will be for children. Although I got no less pleasure than my sons. We have been assigned a whole day to entertain kids. All excursions were organized independently.

Since everyone wanted to see Panda, they went to Beijing Zoo . It has the most rich collection of animals in the country (450 species) and became the first zoo open to visitors. Lives in this place more than 5,000 animals. Park is ideal, no wonder the leadership spends huge money annually on the update of helpers and creating natural habitat conditions. Children liked elephants, pandas and giraffe.

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Tickets We bought for 40 yuan full adult and 25 yuan full children. Later we were explained that it was possible to take an adult / child / child review ticket for 15 yuan, and then separately pay attention to the Panda -5 yuan's house and Penguin's houses - 10 yuan. The cunning cashier was silent about such an opportunity.

Nearby located Peking Oceanarium separated by 7 parts. Children liked in a zone with sea water pond. There it was possible, going into the water, stroke a big turtle, look and touch the mollusks and raschkov.

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Akuly Pier has impressed us all. I liked the exhibition "Coral Gardens and Medusa". I first saw black and yellow jellyfish. It was possible to see interesting shows with the participation of marine animals. The walk dragged for 2 hours. The ticket cost 120 yuan.

The penultimate stop for that day was Chinese Disneyland - Happy Valley. . For an adult ticket, we gave 200 yuan, the eldest son with an increase of 148 cm passed for 130 yuan, and the baby (below 120 cm) - for free. A visit to all attractions was included in the ticket price, and more than 100 them. There are many children, but grabs and "adrenaline". There are 6 thematic areas in the park. The disadvantage is that the queues are very big. We prudently sent dadhead. Only, thanks to this, the children could ride, otherwise it would have to allocate a separate day to visiting the fun valley. It is worth considering this fact.

At the end of the day visited Mira Park More for yourself than children. Senior son, however, really liked it. Place the original, in it collected copies of major world attractions. Only here they are all less than their originals 40 times. You can walk in the park on a fabulous country or look at the Fontanov Show. The ticket cost 65 yuan. We have been spent 2.5 hours at the inspection of everything interesting. I walked around the park on foot with the eldest son, and my husband with the baby (he was very tired per day) part of the path was overcome on an electric car for 120 yuan / hour. Worked the park until 18:00.

Rested and at the same time they were tired, but it was worth it.

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