Istanbul. Excursion to the princes of the island.


One of the most unusual places in Istanbul is the princesses of the island. Excursion here is worth it to give her all day. Princes of Islands is a chain of islands in the Marmara Sea. You can get there by almost any pier, every weekend (in summer and on weekdays) there are "sea buses", Ie, steamboats. Depending on the range, the journey will stand from 15 to 25 lir, you go in the morning, and in the evening the same steamer will deliver you back, buy a ticket to both ends. During the sea walk, you can admire the city.

Istanbul. Excursion to the princes of the island. 4193_1

In the chains of these islands, only 3, the steamer mooring to each of them, you choose the one on which you want to go ashore. The first two islands are very small and there is nothing but steep villas (cottages), there are no beaches and restaurants, there are nothing to do with tourists there in fact, they should be passed on the third and largest island of Beyuk Ada. There, in addition to private villas there is a place where to wander what to see and relax.

And so, there are no transport on the islands (on all) transport, so you have to move on foot, on a bicycle if you are sure of your ability to ride a bike on a bicycle highful horizons (there are rental items for 10 lire bike for all day) or in a cart on Horses, which are in abundance. A trip to Faeton will cost 25 lire, but you need to know exactly where you are going differently "Ride us around the island" here does not pass. You can get to either to the beach or before the foot of the hill, on which the main attraction is located - the Orthodox Church.

Istanbul. Excursion to the princes of the island. 4193_2

And one more moment, horses here are a lot and you need to be ready for the aroma of their livelihoods, it will chase you everywhere! The island is very picturesque, except for the villas there is a wonderful park, where you can arrange a picnic if you capture the products with you, because I want to eat in the fresh air, and restaurants only on the pier!

Also on the island there is an old Orthodox church, not only Orthodox, but also local, Ie, Muslims come here, even they believe that the plea will be heard in this church. The temple leads long and in the literal sense the thorny path, the walkway on the hill is quite bumpy and heavy. On bicycles or horses it is impossible here, this path to God man must pass himself. Under the sultry sun, it's just a cattle, so it is worth thinking about the water in advance. On the way there will be one source - the crane with water, but I would not advise her to drink it. Along the track you can see the threads, people believe that if you unwind threads along the way and it is enough to the temple itself, then the most cherished desire will surely come true. So you can grab a bigger coil with you.

As in every temple, it is worth entering the golk and in the skirt, they can be borrowed at the entrance. The decoration of the temple is really very impressive, icons, candles ... but actually as in any temple. Here you can put a candle for Zdrvie and write a note with the names of those whose well-being you pray.

Since the temple stands at the highest hill, then the appearance of it is simply chic.

Istanbul. Excursion to the princes of the island. 4193_3

After visiting the church, you can go to the beach. All beaches here are paid from 15 to 25 lir for the entrance. And what do you think, the business is here on everything! From the beach on the pier can also be drunk in the Faeton.

At the end of the day, do not be late for a steamer, and then you have to sit on the island until the next day!

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