What should I see in Chisinau?


I heard many times as people who did not even have been in Chisinau, reasoned that there was nothing to do there. Having heard about it the other day from his acquaintance, I decided to convince her, bringing arguments.

Shtefan Avenue person Mare . This is the main street of Chisinau. It is here that you can see active urban life, seeing glass offices, the building of the Moldovan parliament, shops, boutiques, restaurants ...

And now about local attractions.

Christ's Cathedral of Christ is very beautiful. Next to him the bell tower and well with holy water.

Triumphal Arch or Holy Gate having a cubic shape and built in 1840. Arch height 13 meters. At the very top - the bell. Impressive.

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Monument to Stefan people Mare . He is Stefan III Great - the Lord, who ruled the Moldovan principality for 47 years. Was counted for the saints.

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Stifana Park Mare and Classic Alley . In the very center of the park - a monument to Pushkin and a beautiful fountain. Summer Park - Ploy. By the way, in the park free Wi-Fi.

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Organ Hall . True now he is not at the best. But a very, very beautiful building. To visit the concert - the pleasure is huge. Concerts are often free.

Building of the former Duma . Beautiful, with beautiful vintage clock upstairs.

House Herza . This house belonged to Vladimiu Kherez - the titled advisor. He built it. Chocolate walls. They say the Austrian architect designed the house. Now there is an art museum.

P Reaglated Church of the Second Male Gymnasium . Huge dome is an amazing building.

Cute mansion of three floors - House where Shalyapin stopped . On the second floor there is a hostel, or guesthouse. Despite its beauty, building in depressing condition.

Romanian Theater. . He is the National Theater of Mihai Eming. Building with columns, stucco on the facade - beauty. But a bit pouched. Performance exclusively in Moldavian language.

In general, summing up, I want to say with confidence: No, the city is not dull, as many speak. He flourishes. You just need to come and make sure that.

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