Tips for those who are going to Thailand


Thailand is one of the most popular among tourists of the countries of Southeast Asia. The main face of Thailand for the last sixty-eight is the king of Rama IX Phuumiphon Adulyyev. In December last year he turned 86 years old. Despite the honorable age and secreting health, the inhabitants of Thailand still love, respect and deeply honor their king. He did a lot for the economic and spiritual development of his country. Therefore, negative replicas in the address of the king on the part of tourists are unacceptable, since it can be punished for it. Also invalid in Thailand is considered to paint the portrait of the king, which, by the way, can often be seen on the street. The same goes for money. Since all paper bills depict the king, to mive, tear or draw on them is prohibited. The Monetary Unit of Thailand - Thai Bat.

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It is approximately equal to the ruble, therefore it is quite simple to navigate in prices. There are paper bills worth 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht. Also, coins 1, 2, 5 and 10 baht are used in everyday life. If you make purchases in stores, you can give to the surrender of the Sandanga - exchangeable Thai coins. In one bate - 100 satangov. If you take with you in Tai dollars, then it is most profitable to exchange bills of 50 and 100 dollars. Also in exchange points draw on the state of the bill - it is desirable that they are not spoiled, otherwise the course will be reduced to them. If you are stored only by rubles, you can also exchange them in Thailand resort cities.

In order to greet the Thai, you can use the expression "Savadi-kaa" (women pronounce) or "Savadi-Krap" (men pronounce). Thaissels themselves, with greetings, in addition, fold hands with palms to each other (this gesture is called "Wai") and tilt the head. Many tourists seeing such a greeting, try to adopt it to use it later in practice. It is not worth doing this, because the position of the palms folded together differs depending on the social position of the welcomed. The higher its status, the higher you need to raise your palms. Thais learn this since childhood. Therefore, in order not to get into a ridiculous or awkward situation, restrict the nod of the head and Thai "Hello."

In Thailand, more than 90% of the population professes Buddhism. Buddhist temples can be seen everywhere: in large cities, and in small towns.

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Also in the morning you can often meet Thai monks. Seeing them, some tourists rush to them with open arms in the hope of photographing with them in an embrace. Here we should not forget about respect for someone else's culture and religion. For Thai monks there are many prohibitions that they do not have the right to violate. Therefore, as we say, "do not bring them to sin": Go to the monk and a gesture explain what you want to make a photo. It is unlikely that he will refuse, but hug, of course, will not be with you - just gets around. By the way, a large number of monks in Thailand is explained by the fact that every young man should live in the monastery for two years. Then, he can return to ordinary life again and make a family. Approximately as our service in the army only on a voluntary basis. But with military duty, everything is much more interesting here. The service in the army is considered very prestigious, because after it it is easier to get into a higher educational institution and get a public service. Therefore, every year a draw is carried out, according to the results of which happy recruits are determined. Also in Thailand, you can often meet the images and statues of the Buddha. Do not forget that this is a religious symbol, do not attempt to the statue of the riding, hug it or copy it to the pose. Not so long ago, a drunken Russian tourist on Phuket hit the statue of the Buddha and beat her head. After he had to not only apologize to the local residents, but also to pay more than 100 thousand baht fine. There are tourists who, by hitting the temple of the lying Buddha, fall on the floor in front of him, stretching his legs to get a picture more interesting. Try to imagine yourself in the temple or church in this position, and you will understand what behavior is unacceptable at least from ethical considerations. By the way, it is forbidden to export the statues of Buddha above 13 centimeters from Thailand. Since we are talking about what it is impossible to export from the country, I will add that animals, untreated corals, valuable works of art without documents, animals are eaten about this list. From fruit is forbidden to export only Durian. All other fruits are allowed to export, but in Russia there is a law prohibiting fruits from Asian countries. The law is acting somehow crooked - not always and not everywhere, but it is better to rebuild and pack fruit not only in the plastic basket, but also in the bag. Even if the customs officers in Russia see that the bag with fruit bag and will want to remove it, they will have to look for the owner of the bag, fill out a bunch of papers. In general, for them this is an excess headache. But if the fruits travel in the basket, they will open it, they will take fruit, and an empty basket will be on the luggage tape. For the same reason you should not put a fruit in manual stingIn fact, in different cities this process is organized in different ways. We drove fruit and in baskets, and in bags - no one took anything. In the largest cities there were cases when only half of the passengers took the fruit, the rest did not touch. You can't explain this in addition to airport employees by avitaminosis)). Also in Russia is forbidden to import plants in the ground. Therefore, if you want to bring from Thailand, for example, orchid, buy seedlings placed in a helium solution. Her houses can be transplanted into the ordinary pot of earth.

Good rest and successful return!

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