Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit?


Belosaray Spit, the resort village spread out on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. Actually, the resort is a braid, the length of more than 3 kilometers.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_1

The development of these lands began to the Greeks. They fled here from the Crimea pursued by Tatars. The Greeks with them were brought elements of national and Tatar cultures, which was particularly affected by architecture. At home, refugees built peculiar, by custom, smearing the walls of white clay. So the name of the town appeared - white sheds, which means the "white city" in translating.

Along the entire braids lined up as if coming on top of each other, boarding houses, recreation centers, private hotels, cottages. All of them are located almost at the very edge of the sea. The private sector also does not stand aside. Upset slowly. Prices for housing are different. Starting from the lowest 30-50 UAH. With a person for a room with amenities in the courtyard up to 200-350 UAH. For a comfortable room with all amenities. There are more average prices, 80 -90 UAH. - For a completely comfortable room with air conditioning and a TV.

Going out of the above, any vacationer will find here your "place under the sun" with a quite decent, comfortable place of residence and for quite an adequate price.

Beaches on the spit above all silence. They are not divided into private or common. A solid line of the beach, along the entire braid, with a length of about 3 kilometers. No one will look at you as Kosoy, when you bathe or sunbathe opposite "Alien Boarding". Everyone is free to choose the place where it is convenient.

Beaches are quite clean. Amazing business. It seems to be the beaches as if "drawn", but at the same time are removed around the clock. Rarely, this will meet in the resorts. By the way, and the holidays themselves are more organized in this regard. No one, (like on the beaches of Yalta or azure), the kochans in the sand does not bury, will be removed by me.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_2

Amazing business, even in the most peak season of places on the beach there is enough all. No one walks on their heads, children can hurt enough and do not interfere with anyone. Public beaches of Yalta and Alushta far to such "perfection".

Sea. Oh, the sea is just charm. Reminds the downtime. How much you do not go, but you can almost become deeper. In terms of safety of recreation with children of any age, just a fairy tale. Children on the beach will always be entertainment.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_3

Mass of inflatable trampolines, slides. Who is older - chase on scooters, ride bananas. So in terms of entertainment, children are not boring.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_4

There are some minuses. Power expensive. Coastal cafes at least offer worthy, delicious food, but it is quite expensive. But as always, you can find options. We lived in the family cottage "Breeze", the stay with food was expensive. The output was before pain is simple. Near the boarding house. Dining went to them. Tasty, and prices are acceptable. The most interesting thing is that you do not need to ask anyone, so that they missed the "alien boarding house" in the dining room. Such adventures are even welcome the administration itself.

In the evening, there is almost no one on the beach, some romantic couples. Vacationers leave, giving way to fishermen. Someone catches from the shore, someone goes to the sea on the boat.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_5

When it really happens, the nightlife of the village opens.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_6

The choice of entertainment for every taste is for both children and adults. Mass of children's entertainment. Swing, all sorts of trampolines, there is even a night cinema. Life in the village is boil even at night.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_7

Souvenir shops abound. Along the embankment of mini bars, restaurants, night disco. In general, there is everything for a comfortable and not boring rest.

Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 4167_8

Definitely go worth it. In our opinion, the Belosaray Spit village is one of the best places as a family so youth.

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