Should I go to the azure?


Azure - not too cozy and not too comfortable village type resort. Located near Skadovsk on the one hand or an hour's drive from Kherson on the other. It is known only due to the huge number of boarding houses, spread in the coastal strip, so the resort is more or less visiting. Pension contains here enough, so it is where. But if you are not important comfort and you do not want to throw out extra money, there is always a private sector at your service. People here only live, earning in tourists. Therefore, there are enough places in the private sector and different prices.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_1

I want to immediately warn you from pink illusions about the cheapness of the resort and the romantic holiday on it. During our "rest", solid nervery. The village, though small, but something is developed. There is even a bank, pharmacy, shops and of course, the collective farm market. And the prices on it are complete "religion". For a piece of meat will be asked as half a carcass.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_2

In stores, not the best way. Prices are comparable to Yalten to the midst of the season. All products with a "cute resort cheating" are sold Slatoroga. I had to buy - do not walk hungry. Four in different cafes, and restaurants simply, I think, do not respect my health. Local "businessmen" neither the droplets do not care about what glory will be about their institution, simply work with the only desire to "Nastrich" as much money as possible for the season, while not thinking about the quality of goods. Competition no, respectively, the service is zero. The only exception to the rules was the cozy establishment of "Kartovan Hat" in the market of the market. Comparatively cheap and cooked at least it is possible.

By the sea, the sembling embankment believes in the worships and cords. And in order to get to the embankment (with a total length of 100 meters), first it is necessary to protrude with a kilometer in the sand, in some places in the knee in the grass, while crossing (jumping) heaps of garbage.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_3

Should I go to the azure? 4162_4

Very and very dirty around.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_5

Beaches separate horror. Cleaning, cowrs, kochens from corn, peel from bananas (half sword in the sand) more than sand.

The garbage tanks are overflowed, everything falls out. Nobody removes debris and wind will spread it all over the beach. The heat, the smell is not Chanel at all. Here we caught a free beach. There are, of course, paid beaches, there is much cleaner.

Sea. The sea is just a fairy tale and the farther, the worst. In the water, apparently invisibly huge jellyfish.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_6

I tried to go on a braid, called Jarylgach, but you need to go long (about an hour), with a child a heavy route. Once all the same decided. The sea on the spit is much cleaner, and the jellyfish is smaller. Otherwise, tediously and boring. In August, in the month, there is nothing to do in the azure. There is no place to relax, the service is no, in the sea - hordes of jellyfish and algae.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_7

On beaches Standard entertainment set, slides for children and adults, boat with banana, parachute. Everything. Well, in the evening, attractions for kids and adults are opening on the embankment.

Very buy mosquitoes. In the evening, their hordes, attack all the living. On the embankment for a long time you do not walk.

That's what it does not take away from the azure so this sunsets. Fantastic spectacle. The sky acquires a chic raspberry shade. Very nice.

Should I go to the azure? 4162_8

The conclusion is obvious to us. If you can relax elsewhere, boldly go. Do not lose anything. Just get. But if you decide still to azure - attach. After two days of stay in the azure went to the Iron Port. Closer to civilization and comfort.

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