Where to go to Beijing and what to see?


When you ask what you should see in Beijing, I want to answer the question to the question: how many days is it all set to visit this cultural center of China? After all, it is the temporary factor that becomes a barrier to inspect a variety of interesting places that this city is so rich. Therefore, I will tell you about the places especially fascinated me.

Listening to the advice of experienced travelers, I first visited Square Tiananmen . A completely free excursion, but the impressions of the mass. In addition to the fact that this area is the fourth largest in the world, it is framed by unusual flower beds and fountains.

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Many guests come here to look at the raising ceremony and the descent of the National Flag. Many interesting facilities are concentrated on the square and the famous monument to folk heroes. It is enough just to get to her on the subway station to Tiananmen.

From the square, I went to Forbidden city who was a constant residence for 24 Chinese emperors. The cost of the entrance ticket was 120 yuan and included an audio-guide in Russian. If you wish, you can take in any other language convenient for you. To get to the city it was necessary to go through three gates, and only then I saw beautiful pavilions, elegant arbors, unusual buildings, lakes and gardens. All facilities have not only a special kind, but also interesting names (the gates of heavenly purity or river with gold water). There are many interesting exhibits in museums, but I liked the architecture of the complex more. It was possible to photograph outside the outside, and inside this is strictly prohibited. There is a forbidden city on the already famous area of ​​Tiananmen.

After inspecting the city, you can again return to the square and go to National Big Theater . I consciously came after the forbidden city just here. Very much wanted to see the contrast in the architecture between these two sights of Beijing. The fact is that the theater building stands out against the background of other interesting places. An unusual semi-ellipsoidal structure, coated with glass and titanium plates, is also surrounded by water. When I found out how to get inside, it was even more surprised. It turned out that it is necessary to go through the underwater tunnel. You can get to the theater without viewing the presentation in all days except Monday. It is enough to buy a special ticket for 30 yuan and from 9:00 to 16:30 the theater is waiting. Inside it is as unusual as outside.

Many are returned to the square, and inspect the National Museum of China, but I did not do that.

Another place to visit - Summer Imperial Palace . It includes an inner courtyard with oriental buildings and covered galleries, a hill of longevity and Lake Kunming, which I liked most. Along the lake stretches the corridor, decorated with drawings. I moved around the palace partially on an electric car. All the journey cost 12 yuan, but I drove only two out of five stops for 6 yuan.

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The entrance ticket from a visit to all attractions was worth 60 yuan, and visit only a park of 30 yuan, but for the entrance to each attraction it will be necessary to pay additionally. In a special pavilion, you could take an audio guide. Worked the palace from 7:00 to 22:00. I spent 4 hours at the inspection and traveled to the park on the subway station Beigongmen. It is better to come in the morning.

There were still many interesting places, especially for children, but about them separately.

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