Where can I eat in Battambang?


Kitchen Battambang, as in principle, all Cambodia, is largely similar to the kitchens of neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. However, it is somewhat softer, not so acute, but in some places, even sweet. Ingredients for cooking is almost everything that flies, runs, floats, as well as grows not only in cultural agriculture, but also in wildlife. As an example, ficuses, shoots water lilies and so on. And roasted grasshoppers like you? Disgusting, but tasty and crunch fun. Fucers, bugs, snakes, all this goes to move. But few of their tourists agree to try such exotic, even though Khmer say that it is useful and in it a lot of trace elements. Therefore, it does not make sense on it. More interestingly, to talk about what is pleasant, and the taste is amazingly tasty.

What be sure to try in Battambang.

Amok. This is the most popular dish for everyone who comes to Battambang. It can be different, with meat, with shrimps, with chicken or fish. The main thing that combines these ingredients is coconut milk and curry sauce, in which everything is stealing. Frequently fed together with rice, although very satisfying and without it.

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Somlo Khmae or Samly Machu. This dish is more famous in the world, like Cambodian soup. Amazing soup with chicken, pineapples, mixture of herbs and tomatoes. It has a unique sour-sweet taste, thanks to the addition of pickled lime.

Ku Teeu. This is very popular in all Cambodian restaurants in the world soup noodles, with various foundations. Chicken, pork, shrimp. In general, with what you want, with the same. If desired, Lyme juice or fish sauce can add to it, which will give him piquant. For some reason, it is accepted for breakfast.

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Lock varnish. Pickle meat or fish cooked on an open fire. Served with rice and sharp green pepper sauce.

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And much more. It is difficult to describe Khmer cuisine, it must be trying, but with the mind, so that it would not be poisoned. Some tastes are unusual for our northern stomachs. And if the problems with the stomach arise, then in Battambang there are many restaurants serving European cuisine, along with local. From the European main focus goes to French. The colonial past of the province is strongly to this day. As an example of restaurants, which serves local dishes and dishes of Europe, you can bring Apple of Love or Madison Corner, owned by the French, who are tensed in this provincial town a few years ago. And in general, there are no problems with cafes and restaurants in Battambang, they are practically every corner. Prices, local humane. On average, good lunch or dinner will cost $ 8-12 with drinks. By the way. about the latter. In Battambang, their choice is very large. The most common: coconut milk, sugar cane juice, soda with lemon and all sorts of fruit juices. From alcoholic beverages, tourists are popular beer. Varieties are many, but the best Angkor. It costs about 40-50 rubles translated into our money.

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There are also global brands Tiborg, Haineken, but be in Cambodia and drink what you can safely drink, somehow uninteresting. Khmer themselves prefer palm wine, it is sold here everywhere, but hereby the rest, I would not advise him to drink it. In 80 percent cases will be bad. Well, does not accept his stomach. And the last thing you can focus on, this is fruit! A lot of them! Lots of!

Pineapples, Mangosteins, Dragonfruits, Papaya, Mango, Rambutany, Li Chi, Doriana, and so on! It's very cheap, but there is nice!

P.S. Yes, I almost forgot. Products can be bought in stores. Prices are about equal to Russian, and the quality is very good. But the meaning of such purchases? We have come to relax and inspect the sights, and not to cook.

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