Unforgettable Dresden!


Dresden was collected literally on the brick after the Second World War, surprisingly how in such a short time he became one of the most visited resorts of Europe. The architecture of this city can be called monumental.

Zwinger, known as a complex of museums, which contains the main attractions of Dresden. One of the main museums is the gallery of old masters. There are more than 700 works of the artists of the 18th century. The gallery is located one of the outstanding works of Rafael Santi - Sicstinsky Madonna, near her, it is usually going to the greatest number of tourists. Also there are pictures of Georgeon, Rembrandt, Durera and many others. "Procession of princes" is also kept in the gallery, and is the largest porcelain panel in the world. It is surprising that 94 people worked on its creation. In this place you can walk by one another and just admire, photograph the beautiful paintings of world artists. The ticket can be bought for 10 euros, usually a big turn is big, so come better to the opening. Beautiful view opens from the Augustus Bridge, he leads to the old town. There you can see the Opera House of the Embrella, the Tower of the City Hall and many other attractions.

In love with the first moments in Dresden, there must be to visit.

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