A little about Budapest


Arriving in Budapest I immediately understood - this is a city of fountains and beautiful streets. Fountains are really a lot, they are found at every step. This is, for example, a naked girl fountain, about which we told a funny story, about how an elderly man tried to cover this campaign for several months, while he was not treated for hot representatives of the order and did not forbid it.

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There are a lot of lawns in the city with bright beautiful colors, so one pleasure walking along the streets.

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Budapest is the city of buildings with pointed towers, they will appear to look at this style of architecture very majestically, especially the parliamentary house.

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If they deepen in the depths of the city - then nothing unusual you will definitely do not fight there, ordinary streets, houses with a frished plaster and even beggars. For example, we met on one of the streets of this little boy, who tried to entertain passersby with his music, and honestly admit their 2 euros from me earned me.

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In the afternoon, Budapest looks a little usually, at home along the embankment seem almost the same, but with the onset of the night everything changes. Enjoy the night city you can ride on tourist worst. The buildings are beautifully illuminated, and the glare is reflected in the water. Such a travel per person will cost about 30 euros. But the pleasure is worth it.

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A little about Budapest 4091_6

By the way, it's very difficult to communicate in Hungary, nor Russian, nor English there knows no one, and if you are not strong in Hungarian, even souvenirs will be very difficult. But this is probably the only minus. I would like to describe more, but the beauty of Budapest can only be assessed with their own eyes.

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