What is worth looking in Vinnitsa?


Vinnitsa is a small regional center, located in the central part of Ukraine, with a population of about 400 thousand people. The city stretches on the picturesque, rocky shores of the beautiful river South Bug and therefore the greenery himself will unworthy.

Green streets, many park areas of recreation, squares make the city amazing in beauty.

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You will not get to Vinnitsa Labor. Thanks to its geographical location through the city there are almost all the most significant highways of the country. In the same Vinnitsa, there are three bus station, a magnificently fitted railway station, an international airport.

The city is rich in its own historical, spiritual part. The mass of Christian cult shrines. The day is not enough to see all the beauties of Orthodox churches.

For lovers of "Bohemia" in the city there is its own niche. I advise you to visit the excellent productions of various theaters. And there are many of them. From children's, comedy productions of the Theater "Harlequin" or "regional academic theater of dolls", to more serious productions of the "Academic Music and Drama Theater. Sadovsky. "

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All for every taste.

The mass of architectural attractions of the city will also not leave anyone indifferent. There is an inconvenience, sights are scattered throughout Vinnitsa and to visit them all, you will have to "get it" in the city by public transport, since it is plentiful. Buses, trolleybuses, route taxi, and private traders, in the end - ends.

In the park they. M. Gorky for the defers built a small planetarium.

But to fall in love with all the beauties of Vinnitsa, you will need not one day, so I want to recommend not too expensive, but quite comfortable hotels. My taste is the most acceptable hotel "Podolé", "Seating courtyard" and "Dobdodius". In no way, I do not want to offend my inattention, other wonderful hotels and hotels, just in the above mentioned establishments most relating the price and quality of service.

Having in reserve at least a few days, I would advise to pay attention to Vinnitsa museums. Only in Vinnitsa there is the largest museum-manor of the Great Scientist and the doctor N. I. Pirogov.

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There are a museum with an interesting (nostalgically - Soviet) name "Avtomotoropotoradio". And, of course, the famous chocolate museum, he is a confectionery factory "Roshen". Continuing the theme "Roshen", I can not describe the practically the most popular modern sight of Vinnitsa - a light-link, a floating fountain near Roshen embankment.

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About 70 million UAH was spent on its construction., P. Closhenko became the main patrons. The beauty of creation is just indescribable. Analogs in Europe does not exist. All this magnificence begins work from 14:00 (in spring - summer time). Daytime without musical and light effects. The most interesting show is broken down with the onset of twilight. Pulling jets of water to a height of up to 70 meters with highlighted lasers and multi-colored spotlights of various fountains can be admired by the clock.

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Dancing under the accompaniment of classical music, multicolored jets of water, on which various images are designed in 3D pictures with a laser show. Amazing beauty spectacle. All this beauty wealth can be viewed via the Internet. The fountain has webcams that allow watching a show in online mode.

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You can not forget the echoes of the Great Patriotic War. Near Vinnitsa, in the thick of Vinnitsa forests, the famous Hitler's "Werwolf" rate has been preserved.

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I advise you to visit. Excursion is formed by the central bus station, every day.

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Here, rather, this is the main sights of Vinnitsa. But it is best to come to see everything with your own eyes, Vinnitsa has something to surprise and please the tourist.

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