How to take a car for hire in Italy?


Based on the own experience of self-resting and traveling by car in Italy and other European countries, I would like to give the following advice:

- The most optimal option of an independent recreation organization could be a lie to one of Milan airports and car rental at Europcar directly in the airport building (the company's choice, pre-order and payment can be made in advance on the Internet, which will save the time required for registration. order);

How to take a car for hire in Italy? 3955_1

- relatively so-called "international driver's license." This is the purest water, the amateurness of some agile deltsov, outstanding the "man of the world" passports. In all countries of the world, a truly driver's license issued in the Russian Federation and other post-Soviet countries, in which Latin duplicated all personal data, indicates the date of issue and validity period, as well as the category of vehicles that are allowed to manage (Naturally, the Soviet certificate is not recognized sample). However, the national driver's licenses are valid only for 6 months of continuous stay, for example, in the Schengen zone. After 6 months, an oral and practical exam is required to obtain a local driver's license. It is difficult to understand the logic of such a requirement. For, if a person traveled in this country for half a year, then why it will not be automatically written by the certificate of the driver of the national sample, but only after passing the exams, which is not all under power. It is clear that this restriction is dissolved not on tourists who come for a short time, but for those who remain in the country to study or work;

- on a credit (non-debit) card one of the international payment systems does not just need to be the balance of at least 500 euros, and the removal limit on the day is at least 500 euros (otherwise 500 euros will not be able to block on your card, and therefore will not be able and arrange a contract for renting a car);

- at the time of taking a car, it is possible to check the presence of the presence of the first aid kits and the sign of emergency stop, but also of orange or lettuce vest, without which it is strictly forbidden to go to the roadway on the motorway;

- In the event of an accident or vehicle breakdown, especially if you do not own any foreign language, you should dial the rescue service 110 on the mobile phone (free call) and the help will arrive immediately. Also, you can call the meeting devices located on the right side of the motorway. In no case, do not attempt to independently repair the car on the road, try to park it as right or in one of the "pockets". For a faulty car, transportation will come, which will take it to the next one hundred, and you - to the hotel. It is possible that the masters will be able to repair the car on site (this service is included in insurance and will be provided for you);

- The firm in which the car was hired, in the shortest time it will try to provide you with another, having delivered it from the nearest agency to the place where you are. You can, as compensation, ask to provide a high-end car and extend the lease term, taking into account the lost time you, etc.;

- If you are used to riding a car with a manual gearbox or vice versa - with automatic, then do not experiment and rent the type of car to which you are accustomed;

- Remember that in Europe during the passion, the ROTOND does not work the rule "interference to the right", and the advantage always has the car that has already begun a circular movement;

- Very strictly follow the signs of signs. If the maximum speed per highway is 130 km / h, then eat clearly 130 km / h, well, a maximum of 135 km / h, otherwise - fine. The penalty will be discharged to the car number and will come to the company in which the car was rented. The company, even after a few weeks after the car was delivered, will easily remove the amount of the fine with your credit card;

- Maximum speed of movement in populated areas 50 km / h, on separate streets in residential areas - 30 km / h and everywhere there are camcorders that fix violations;

- If the road coating is maintained, it is often possible to meet signs that limit the speed of up to 10 km / h. If even the repair is completed, and the sign, for some reason they did not remove, then follow the instruction of the sign, because It is possible that not only the camcorder, but also a patrol with a speed video recorder can monitor its observance due to bushes;

- Parking on the streets of settlements in the overwhelming majority of cases. There are streets in the city center, on which even paid parking can be permitted for only one or two hours. This means that by the expiration of the specified time, the parking place should be changed, finding another free space. You can be fined even if you again paid the parking, knocking a new check, because passing by the inspector-controller scores into his minicomputer car numbers and places on which they are parked;

- If you are traveling with a domestic pet, it must be in a cage, which is usually placed in the trunk, removing the shelf on top;

- Children under 15 years of growth less than 1.5 m should be transported solely in special chairs;

- During the movement, it is categorically forbidden to dispose of anything from the window: collect all the garbage in the cabin in the caps, which can be thrown into a special tank or urn at the bus stop (this also applies to cigarette cigarettes);

- The cost of caring the car can reach less than 90 euros for three days, including insurance if you took a class A car (sometimes class B) from Friday to Monday morning. You can find out the availability of promotional proposals and discounts by going to the company's website where you are going to rent a car;

How to take a car for hire in Italy? 3955_2

How to take a car for hire in Italy? 3955_3

- in no way drink alcoholic beverages, including beer, do not take drugs containing narcotic substances, because On the roads are possible checks. You, of course, you can refuse to breathe in a tube or enable a police napkin sweat sweat on your hand and steering wheel, do not allow him to inspect the car with a service dog, but do not do it better, because In this case, it will be forced to be added to the laboratory to give blood tests and urine, and the vehicle will be very carefully examined in the area. You can not worry, no one will throw anything to you and do not steal anything from the salon: this is a fairly standard procedure, so relax and react calmly;

- If you hear that the emergency car rides with a lilac or a beaker, then immediately release him the way (take the right, to the left or generally stop while this car does not erupt), otherwise you can be on the majority fined;

- If a plug was formed on the road, then do not even try to drive around the standing cars on the side of the road or a free middle lane, which is released for the passage of exceptionally special cars. Otherwise, the fine you will not pass;

- Deliver a car Try with full fuel tank and no later than specified in the time contract. You can pass the car easily and quickly: enough to throw into a special box on the doors of the agency's keys to the car, having parked it in the parking lot for cars of this company and, just in case, photographed from all sides by a camera or a mobile phone from all sides.

Be careful, tolerant and friendly, and then your trip by car in Italy will become beautiful, who remember the rest fornger.

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