Where can I eat in Lviv?


Lviv (compared to Kiev, for example) not a fairly expensive city. So, per day I have 100-150 hryvnia per day with a person, if you are certainly not going to insight dine and dinner in very expensive restaurants. In Lviv, especially in the center you will find a lot of small cafes and restaurants, there is more expensive and cheaper. You can eat together and 150, and you can also at 800 hryvnia. So, for example, in a restaurant, a centaur, which is located right on the square market, can be ordered by a body clip with a buckwear garnish, a vegetable salad of coffee in Lviv (by the way, a great drink, this is black coffee Arabica varieties with cinnamon and honey) and small macaroni (cookie is such ) It will cost it about 120 hryvnia.

Each tourist probably heard about such restaurants in Lviv as a mood and café of Mazoha. Unfortunately, the first one of them was spoiled compared to how this institution was at the very beginning, only after opening. The dishes were less, the quality fell a bit, but the atmosphere is worth it, I will not say that it is worth walking there every day, but you can see the time, dinner from dumplings with potatoes and cracker Salads under a fur coat and kvass will cost 60 hryvnia approximately. In the restaurant, Zakher Masoch should try stewed potatoes, the institution is also not very expensive, but as a rule there is a lot of people there and always stands such a cigarette smoke that even though the ax hang. Stew potatoes, Salad "Olivier" and Mulled wine will cost 70 hryvnia approximately.

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Zakher Masoch stands at the entrance to his cafe.

A few years ago, Lviv was a cozy bohemian cafe "Pіd Klelepsidroy", near which was the only smile monument in the world

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Then he was transformed into if I am not mistaken by the union of "Dzig" and the quality of dishes strongly spoiled. We waited for the order of about 40 minutes, the rabbit ordered in sour cream with a potato garnish and potatoes stew with mushrooms. In the sour cream, the rabbit did not turn out, the fact that there was rather reminded chicken ribs (yes yes, it was the chicken, dominant) dinner by 140 hryvnia. So if you do not want to stay hungry, then you just come here for coffee.

Also on the square market from the tram line, there is a magnificent cafe, where they are preparing rudely for every taste (with apples, with cherries, with bacon, with salmon and spinach), called "Videnskih Studel"! We came there at all by chance, and became regular visitors. The cafe is so popular that it sometimes had to stand in the queue, so that go there. I recommend cherry strudel (which is served in vanilla ice cream) with mint tea, the best Lviv dessert, which will cost 25 hryvnia!

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If you look at this photo, then the cafe is on the left, and the Town Hall is located to the right of the tram line.

I advise you not to bypass the side and Maisterunya Chocolate, this is a small cafe, where you can order interesting drinks (like alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and buy chocolate souvenirs for friends. Chocolate is prepared in this institution, I advise you to try their black chocolate with cherries, it is not cheap pleasure, but it is worth it. On average, the tile of chocolate in 60 grams costs about 10 hryvnia, as chocolate is sold by weight.

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And the last place in which we visited, but, in fact, I would not advise him, this is Retoxran Darwin, located on the second floor of a residential house somewhere in the scan of Lviv streets. We went there by chance and surprised that the visitors were mostly foreigners, we were the only one who spoke in Russian. Dinner on the 4x cost us 1340 hryvnia, with each of us took only salad and the main dish. The food was tasty enough, only here we were waiting for the order for more than an hour and got their dishes barely warm. We left 30 hryvnia to the waiter, and at the exit of the receptionist we also stated "for what you have such scant taper offended our waiter?" I didn't want to answer this replica at all, and we also told "Ruskim, we have nothing to do, they are just a boat." The evening was spoiled, so I don't advise you to go there.

By the way, in many Lviv cafes there is no standard pointer of the "Lady Room" or WC, but there are inscriptions "Pan Edzo", so if you need in WC, then you should go to Pana Edoro :). The history of the inscription is quite interesting, a long time ago on the square the market was the Athlyse restaurant, it was the fact that not only visitors to the establishment could take advantage of the retailers, but also people passing by. So there was an expression "go to Pana Entor", well, and, accordingly, renaming WC in Pan Edzo.

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