What excursions worth visiting in Kirillovka?


Kirillovka is a small resort village, designed for a comfortable stay with the whole family, because there are no special historical values ​​and attractions here.

From the excursions you can offer a trip to the "Island of Biryuchi" or the reserve "Fedotova Kos".

"Biryuchi Island" is a hunting reserve. It is located in the western part of the Sea of ​​Azov and is a continuation of the Fedotovy Spit. With the northern part of the Spit, many small bays and salty limans are located, courts occasionally enter the larger bays. The island is a protected area. A unique corner of nature allows you to see various plants, animals in their natural habitat.

What excursions worth visiting in Kirillovka? 3908_1

The huge area of ​​the reserve, more than 8 thousand square meters and a length of more than 20 km makes it possible to dwell on the territory of many animals. Among which wild geese, pheasants, partridges, white herons, deer and lavies. Very nice here in May, when the wild flax begins to bloom. And even during this period there can be very rare flowers - tulip - a shrenca. If you arrive in the fall, you can collect a wonderful bouquet of wildflowers as a souvenir. In October, the island begins to bloom the Solonchaki Astra.

Tourists should be known that independently in this protected area does not fall, as it is necessary to have a special permission. The reserve is usually working, as a rule, from the middle of June, when all migratory birds are returned. The average cost of excursion from 80 to 100 UAH.

The reserve "Fedotov Spit" is one of the national parks of wildlife. Here you can see a pristine man steppe nature with the most diverse plants.

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There are many types of birds in the reserve. Some of them live here constantly, but there are also those flying only for the warm season. There are also deserted beaches, for which the seagulls walk and the cool wind of the Azov Sea.

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Entry to the territory of the reserve is paid, in the range of 100 UAH.

If you planned to go to one of these protected areas, choose not too hot time, because most of the steppe territory is under the scorching sun.

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