What is worth looking in Sintra?


Every time I get to rest I promise myself not to say "it would be great to live here," because it's good where we are not. But in Sintra, this promise is not possible. And so, initially we went to Lisbon, and in Sintra, they wanted to come back, as if for a snack, but I believe that if you are going to Portugal, then it is worth paying great attention to the lion's share of time to this town.

Sintra is on the coast of the Atlantic, Cape Roca is the most western part of the continent. The rocky coast and green dense forests turn the town just in a fabulous place. But mostly tourists go to Sintra not to the beach, but to see the castles and historical sights.

Since the town is not big, then everything is almost at hand, if you are traveling not by car, you still have to use urban transport - buses, because it is not so easy to roam through the serpents of the roads and the steep streets is not so simple. If you want to look at the ocean, the tram line leads to the coast.

Sintra is just a charming Mauritanian town, old villas and small streets, stairs swirling moss and walls, dense forest and castles ... First you should visit the Royal Palace of Sintra,

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It was preserved just great, in the palace presents household items and utensils, which was used by the previous owners of the palace. All rooms and decoration have been preserved almost perfectly. Sometimes a feeling arose that she will now receive a servant and suggest tea :)

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Outside the castle is not a remarkable and poor, the only thing that gives it - huge gray kitchen pipes, but the immuno this palace was the summer residence of Portuguese monarchs.

Next is worth visiting the Fortress of the Moors, a dense old forest grows around it ... He is just huge, sometimes such a feeling that you get into a fairy tale and a forest on so much that even adults get tired of a walk.

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From the top, from the fortress, it opens just a magnificent view of the city, which is simply drowning in the greenery and on the castle of the foam, which will be the next place that is worth visiting.

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And so, the Palace of Foam is located on the highest hill and it is worth getting there by bus on the steep serpentine of roads. By the way, the bus station is not far from the railway station. The eclectic assembly of different architectural styles, scenery and finishing of the castle turn it into a fabulous residence. All beauty and splendor is not possible to see it.

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A magnificent park is broken around the castle, another place for a wonderful pastime. Park is so much that it is more likely to call him a dense forest.

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If you are not yet tired of castles, you need to choose the Palaces of Rigaleir and Montserrat.

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And the last place (which we visited) was the Kapuchin Monastery. Do you like the films about Indiana Jones? Then you here! The ancient monastery almost completely consists of a stone, which for many centuries Poros Moss and turned into a decoration to the next film about Henry Jones younger.

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And so, as you see, Sintra is very attractive and the tedious town. From the beauty and grace of eyes, they simply scatter, but the legs have already been moving after long walks on dormant forests with crystal-clean air. Evenings are not less pleasant here, there are a lot of cozy restaurants, where magnificent dishes (which are preparing right in front of you) will be served with a fragrant wine glass.

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If I ask me, then I will say that the trip to Sintra should stand a mansion in the excursion program, and not snack for dessert :)

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