Is it worth going to rafting in Turkey?


Is it worth going to rafting in Turkey? 3878_1

Is it worth going to rafting in Turkey? 3878_2

Rafting, Canyon Koprnlej (Koprulu Canyon)

Probably, every tourist, coming to Turkey for the first time, thinks about how else to diversify leisure. One of the entertainment offered by hospitable Turkish guides is rafting. Many stories and contradictory opinions walk around this entertainment, I want to share my own and designate moments that best know about in advance.

In May 2012, they were resting in Turkey, they were not going to plan anything, after a busy working year, I wanted stupidly lying on the beach and do nothing. Therefore, we reacted sluggish on sightseeing places, but then the husband hooked for the word "rafting". In general, they did not resist, in spite of a fairly high price of about $ 50 on a person tutorial. The beach idle time flew unnoticed, so I was hidden. I must say, we preferred pretty carelessly to prepare, well, a tour and excursion, we are not the first, everything is worked out. Kaba earlier to know ...

We left early in the morning, drove from Kemer, taken from other hotels a few desperate. Ride quite far away, so

one! Do not forget to breakfast well, take water with you, on the intermediate parking lots, the people and prices are relevant. An hour later, they got to the picturesque place of buses, from where the road to the mountain river began. On this prival, you can still eat-drink, buy panama or slippers. Cutting a hand, you can disrupt and eat orange (free of charge). While reached, the weather began to rapidly deteriorate, and even on a bus TV, the whole road was shown a movie about how other unfortunates turn on boats into icy water. Here the worm of doubt crept up - or maybe it is not necessary, but it may not be too late. Okay, we are not from the cowardly, but behind us the aunt voiced the general oscillations. The guide calmed everyone, with jokes, additives, how they can do it, it seemed to calm down a bit. And the road between topics leads to the mountains, the mountains are the most real, awesome, from the type of spirit captures, but serpentine is not children. And the rain is absorbed by turning, pouring like from the bucket.

Finally arrived, we were sent under the canopy to change. They suggested the wetsuit, they are not usually dressed in the heat usually, but here it is really cold, it does not fall to the tooth.

2! All things leave on the bus. Towels, cameras, clocks, glasses, however, one girl is completely trouble with sight, she was allowed to leave glasses, warning that the probability would be lost. With cameras, it is impossible, it will be inserted, a version with waterproof is possible, but it is better to strain it. This is a separate way to make money on tourists. Types are gorgeous, I want to capture everything, special people are photographed throughout the path and lead special people, each photo of 5-10 dollars, video 50.

3! Rubber slippers are better taken with them, even in hotel stores they cost cheaper than hire in place. Go on stones, shale, sandals do not fit categorically, and it's easy to lose water.

four! Offer team boats for 8-10 people with an instructor-conductor, or independently for two. Among us, there were no such brands, but they met on the way. If you do not have a skill management skills, it is better not to risk, really scary. Finally, they were rushed, good young people put ahead. They received orders, such as paddle in the water - brake, left steering wheel, right, etc. With a fright, of course, everyone was confused, the head of the eye as an abnormal, threatened to throw everyone into the water. Joking, of course. As a result, everyone gathered, cheered up, here and the first threshold arrived. The feeling of extraordinary, uncontrollable flight, all the circle boils, loses. It turned out, everything is completely managed, having passed a couple of thresholds, we calmed down a little and began to enjoy the speed, Adrenaline shook.

The first parking was at Alexander Macedonsky's bridge, the most risky jumped from the bridge, photographed. The next parking after several thresholds turned out to be a platform with a small cafe, where at flying prices could be taken a glass of tea and some sweets. As no one naturally had money from themselves, they were offered to sign up from the conductor, to leave the coordinates of the hotel, well, and upon arrival to give him payment. The weather was still not indulged, the rain was filming, frowning terrible. She approached the team and our captains started the moving games, everyone with enthusiasm connected, warmed up, washed. Let's go further, a few more thresholds and we are on the basis. Hurray, food! Under the canopy there are tables, food is simple - chicken, spaghetti, vegetables, bread, tea -kin, baking. But it seemed, in life did not eat anything deer.

6! Last Stage - Sale Photo and Video. Video is better to buy for several people, then share.

7! In my opinion, it is better not to take children to such an event if they have not hardened athletes or adults are enough. Although it is necessary to focus on the nature of your chad. We met and crying frightened kids and those who happily participated in all the peripetias.

P. S. We also need to add that in different season the conditions change. In May, there was a very full-water river, which created extreme conditions, in the hot months of the river Melette, they say that simpler.

Prepare thoroughly and unforgettable impressions are guaranteed!

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