What excursions worth visiting on Phuket?


One of the popular excursions in Phuket, which is necessary to visit - a big Buddha and the Buddhist temple at his foot.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_1

The duration of the excursion is about two hours not counting the road.

The cost of the excursion varies: an independent trip - about 200 baht, a guide with a guide and transfer - from 1000 to 1500 baht per person. If the turbo house "Street" boldly trade, the cost of excursions of such a plan is subject to discussion.

You can go to this monument as part of the excursion group or yourself.

If you buy an excursion, then everything is simple. You are taken from the hotel and together with other tourists by bus or Tuk-Tuka (depending on the number of people in the group) are brought to sights. On the way, it can be offered to stop at a small elephant farm, where you can feed empty, take pictures with them or with adult elephants, ride.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_2

The cost of the excursion includes a reverse transfer. The very visits to the temple complex at the Big Buddha is free. That is, if you go on your own, on rental transport, no tickets do not have to buy.

I advise you to go there on your own, see everything without a rush, there is a lot of interesting things, in the framework of the standard excursion you will not have time to inspect carefully.

The fact is that in addition to the Big Buddha, there is also a Golden Buddha, and a whole gallery of different monuments.

With you, take some cash money, there is a souvenir and jewelry shops, you can buy food and drinks.

Time in the way, depending on where you stopped can be from 15 minutes to an hour. On all major Phuket highways installed pointers "To Big Budda", so do not get lost.

At the entrance there is free parking. To the right of it there is a small observation deck.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_3

There is also a WC.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_4

This is a log and there is a WC. Such a detailed description I give, because there are no signs, and for us the question was relevant. They asked where exactly is located, the direction we were asked, but the fact that "it" in the log caused a certain cognitive dissonance. And it is better to find such places in time, I think you will agree.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_5

Now go to the courtyard of the monastery. The road to the monument through it. On the way on the left side of the arbor.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_6

The moped most likely belongs to someone from the staff of the complex, as it is prohibited to enter the territory.

On the right side of the temple a monument to the king.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_7

The monument to the Big Buddha is fully built by donations, both Thais and tourists. You, too, if desired, can contribute. The temple has a different sized bricks from marble, you can even make engraving with your name.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_8

And this is a small souvenir shop, there is also a jewelry.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_9

Near the entrance to the temple is a singing gong, if he quickly stroke his hands, he really sings!

In the temple quietly, dark and blissfully cats are resting where they do it, but they do not encroach on the shrines.

Immediately at the entrance to the table with the book visits, there you can leave an entry for descendants.

Traditionally, several statues with decorations:

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_10

Having passed through the temple through the staircase, lead directly to the Big Buddha.

Over her canopy with bells. There are many statues around.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_11

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_12

Upstairs first you will see the Golden Buddha:

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_13

And only then come to the big buddha.

What excursions worth visiting on Phuket? 3865_14

It is really huge, photographing better being down. In the circumference of the pedestal statue, much and different. Here is a large observation deck with an excellent overview of the coast.

This monument is visible almost from any point of the island or from the sea to any weather.

If you are a child, I think he will love. There is no place to be tired there, the road will not take a long time, and the place is very beautiful.

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