What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana?


Dominican Republic - relatively recently only became popular among our tourists. Literally a few years ago, there were no direct flights and prices for vouchers were so high that few of ordinary citizens could afford this direction. Now, two airlines have launched their aircraft directly to Punta Kana, and therefore, sharply threw off the price of the tourist package. And as statistics shows, especially in winter, this direction is in great demand.

The most important resort, where our tourists rushes are Punta Cana. Here the entire coastline is littered with hotels, all of them are mostly located on the first coastline and have a huge territory. For the convenience of tourists, hotels post the map area that is located.

What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana? 3853_1

Example of the hotel map.

In itself, this place is remarkably for the pastime of tourists who love her vacation, but they want something more exotic. Almost all hotels operate on the "All Inclusive" system - it operates 24 hours a day. On the territory, in addition to the main restaurant with a buffet, as a rule, there are another 5-6 additional, working on the menu where guest can also get free, after posting. Hungry will not be right here.

In addition to manifolds in food, there is still very fun. All day there is an animation where guests are entertained, as a rule, it is divided into several parts, so that everyone can take part in it and not push. The hotel on average can accommodate from 300 guests or more.

What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana? 3853_2

Animation at the hotel.

Also, hotels can provide free bicycle, catamarans, canoes, boats and more. At the time of arrival, at the reception, tourist together with the keys receives the concept of its hotel on the A4 sheet, which is included in the price, and for which they will have to pay extra in the case of use.

The most important advantage of Punta Kana is a beach holiday, here white sand, due to its coral origin, it does not heat up and always remains cool. The Atlantic Ocean is warm with small waves. Swim in it is a pleasure. Each tourist necessarily make a memorable frame. A piece of Punta Cana Beach.

What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana? 3853_3

Atlantic Ocean.

The hotels are widely developed services and infrastructure for young guests. There are a large number of playgrounds, a children's room, nanny services, a children's zone is necessarily provided. The only thing that is not so far is a water slide. Also, almost always you can see the walking in the territory of all sorts of wonderful animals, these are peacocks and swans, iguana, rabbits. All of them are very friendly and absolutely not afraid of people. With children, relaxing here is great, the main thing is to fly, still 12 hours flights to withstand very hard for an adult, and the child is suppressed, the more small.

What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana? 3853_4

Ducks in the pond.

Upon arrival in Dominican Republic, the guide will surely tell you about how to behave in the resort. Despite the fact that the resort is already mastered by tourists, there are some wishes for tourists, it does not go beyond the hotel. Often, among the locals there are thieves that can pull the bag and steal all the values. Therefore, first of all, the girls who arrived here without accompanying men should not be alone to go outside the territory, in terms of their safety. Moreover, such need should not be, hotels have everything necessary to meet the needs of their guests. In five star hotels, such huge territories often have such huge areas that the tourist is not always during the rest bypasses it entirely.

What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana? 3853_5

Kana Punta Coastline

What should you expect from rest in Punta Cana? 3853_6

The territory of the hotel.

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