Where to go to Peter and what to see?


The city of Peter is a miracle. The unavailability of these places helped to preserve the city of primacy and greatness. Many argue that at the moment the famous sights of Petras make up only 10% of all ever existing structures in this place. With this mysterious place familiar a large number of people, but they don't even know about it. The thing is that in these places there were a lot of scenes for films about the adventures Indiana Jones.

The cost of visiting the sights of Peter is paid for one-time at the entrance. It is 90 Dinar for those who cannot provide a certificate of accommodation in the Jordanian hotel. That is, for those who came to the country for one day, the price is not rainbow. Help holders will pay for a ticket 50 Dinar in one day or 55 dinar in two days. When buying a ticket, you must submit a passport. During my visit, Petra, children under 15 years old were found free, but in those places the rules change very quickly.

Ticket price includes horse riding to Sik Gorge . The gorge itself with hanging rocks and narrow passages produces an unforgettable impression. How nature created it - a big mystery.

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The most famous building is Al-Hazna . It is this building that guests are visiting the city. The facade of the palace carved into a rock with a height of more than 40 meters and decorated with sculptures and reliefs telling about the afterlife. The overflowing color of rock gives al-Hazne special beauty. It changes depending on the position of the Sun from the brown to the bright pink.

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Followed by [B] Area facades [/ B] with a large number of temples, tombs and assfills. Deserves attention Royal tombs And the Roman amphitheater for 7000 seats. Further, the street is the temple of the woven Lviv and the monastery of hell-de-deire very similar to Al-Haza. The central square of the city, as many years ago, is a market where you can buy souvenirs or drink tea-water under a canopy. If enough forces and time, you can climb to a high altar. It is carved in a large stone a circle with a chute on which the blood flowed sacrificial animals on the rocks down.

It is worth looking at the Column of Pharaoh Amuda, Color Triklinium, Casre Al-Bandage and other places of the city.

All over the city can be moved on horseback, carts or donkeys (10 dinar) depending on the area.

The city is open to visiting from early morning to 18:00, but tourists are delayed before sunset. After completing the time of work, all the Bedouins must leave the city and then they will have to go back to the exit on their own. It is true, to admire the night Peter under the light of 2000 candles. They say the spectacle is supernatural.

Children will be difficult to roam around the city in hot time, not all adults master the full sightseeing.

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