Should I go with children on holidays in Dragobrat?


Of course it is worth. But with children at least three years, who can already confidently stand on their feet. After reading this, many probably swore. But to calm you, I will give an example. Every time I am on the Dragwork, I see three-year-old children who ski better than their parents. And they like it. You should not be afraid of kids, instructors will help you to ride them well. Last year, the occupation cost 200 hryvnia. Take for hire children's skis does not represent any difficulty. For children there are special small and gentle descents.

Should I go with children on holidays in Dragobrat? 3837_1

Animations are usually not for children. And why. For the day, spent on the outdoor air, skiing, they will lie to sleep instantly.

Of course, staying with the child is better at the hotel, which is as close as possible to the lifts so as not to walk for a long time in the frost and snow.

The doctor is near the main lift, the rescuers are constantly working on the descent. Riding skiing with a child is better when there is good snow.

Should I go with children on holidays in Dragobrat? 3837_2

The only nuance is for greater security to the child need to purchase a protective helmet on the head.

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