Is it worth going to Vinnitsa?


Vinnitsa is the pearl of the entire Podolsky region. This city is spread on the shores of the South Bug river in the heart of Ukraine. For 659 years, this area is growing and developing, being one of the most respectable in our country. For me, this city is special, because each of us feels an amazing connection with native lands. It was here that I was worried about all my ups and downs, antelligel, grown my individuality. At the same time, I always felt some kind of magic connection with my hometown. That is why I would like to have more tourists learned about such an incredibly attractive highlight among Ukrainian attractions.

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I remember this city from the small years, when he was a Soviet bley and did not radically differ from his relatives. But in recent years, Vinnitsa has been transformed to no recognition. Many times watched emigration emotions, who left the border of ten years ago and, returning to his native monastery, it was not possible to restrain the delight. And this is true - the city is not by day, but by the clock acquires European features. And me, as a rooted inhabitant, it makes you experience genuine pride for all those events, the witness of which I become.

Traveling on my century was a lot, always admired the beauty and splendor of foreign countries. But how, it's nice, after wanderings to return to your native fenats and realize that it is better to just find a place for all white light. I know every corner, every street, every monument ... But I will never get bored to discover Vinnitsa from the new side. After all, the city can give an unforgettable experience at any time of the year. And every time there will be a droplet of freshness and novelty in those emotions that are experiencing in familiar places.

There are many powerful tourist centers in Ukraine, which is also worth a visit. In this city there is its own charm - this is compactness and calm. Here every person, even being in a public place, feels comfortable and protected due to the lack of fuss of megacities. By the way, last year our city was recognized as the best for life throughout the country, having overtook even the solid capital. When choosing the winner, the following parameters were taken into account: business activity, culture, crime, real estate, ecology, medicine, budget, infrastructure and, of course, attractiveness for tourists. It is on the basis of these modest results and my subjective opinion that I can say with confidence that Vinninitsa should definitely follow.

Now a little about comparing with other tourist options. As I already wrote, here you can relax from the turmoil and mad rhythm of large cities. But here is not a quiet creek, in which you want to throw from boredom. Depending on the purpose of the visit, each tourist, ranging from the smallest and ending with an experienced aquail, will be able to taste. The city has options and active, and relaxing holidays. An important advantage of the trips to Vinnitsa is the relative price accessibility. Prices in the city are significantly different from those that are in major cities. That is, the wallet will eventually be devastated, and for a rather symbolic fee will be able to spend their leisure.

A minus for those who are riding their own car may seem the condition of the roads in our country. In my city, this problem was already solved, so ride on a new asphalt for citizens and guests of the city. I repeat about the fact that the city in all strive to comply with European standards. And then the solid advantages are amazing landscapes, magnificent nature, many interesting places, hospitable people, positive emotions.

If the question is whether it is worthwhile to take the younger generation on the trip, it will venture to give an affirmative answer. Children, in principle, the people are unpretentious if properly brought up, so it's easy to rest with kids everywhere. But if the child is distinguished by an elevated level of capriciousness, then it is necessary to postpone with travels and a little work out the correction of education. For kids in Vinnitsa there is a lot of interesting things, they will not have to miss for sure. Especially enough entertainment in the warm season, it is during this season it is better to come with children.

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On the question of the safety of this area, I will also answer in a positive key - there is nothing to be afraid. By rating Vinnitsa takes the lowest crime place. But it is not necessary to completely disable a sense of self-preservation - the supervision of personal belongings come in handy in any case. Girls should be borne in mind that there are many foreign students who differ in their fermented temperament. Going here alone, you should not succumb to provocations. And even better - take a partner with you / partner, thereby doubled the number of pleasant emotions.

The result of my story One - Vinnitsa is definitely worthy of the attention of tourists. And I'm not afraid of the droplets that someone after reading to decide to come and turns out to be unhappy with its choice. Because it's simply unreal. The main thing is to stock the right set up and boldly go to the road. I wish everyone who will visit Vinnitsa a pleasant pastime and only joyful experiences!

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