Useful information about the holiday in Spain. Tips for experienced tourists.


Spain is one of the most visited countries in Europe. Tourists in Spain also attracts her mild climate, and a huge number of attractions, and the total atmosphere of calm and relaxation, reigning in the country.

Spain occupies most of the Pyrenean Peninsula (Portugal is located on the rest of the part), it also belongs to the islands in the Mediterranean Sea (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera) and the Canary Archipelago, located in the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, Spain owns small enclaves on the territory of Africa is Cities Ceuta and Melilla, located on the Morocco coast.

Spain is a fairly big country, in size, it ranks fourth in Europe, its population is over 47 million people.

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Features of the holiday in Spain


The official language is Castilsky (the fact that in Russia is called Spanish), but in some provinces, along with him, local languages ​​are common - in Catalonia - Catalan, in the country of Basque and Navarre - Basque, Galicia - Galician.

Unfortunately, not all Spaniards speak English, so if you are talking only in English, you may face certain difficulties. Guaranteed English will know the staff of large hotels, and all other residents - how to work out. Often, English do not know in restaurants, and a cafe, the truth is worth a recognition that in many cafes you will bring menu in English (sometimes even in Russian), so you just need to show the number next to the selected dish.

It is easiest to be explained in Spain to those who own Spanish (at least a little bit). With certain difficulties, they may encounter except in Catalonia (part of the population does not really know Castilsky) and in the Basque Country - part of the population does not want to speak on official Spanish.

Food and restaurants

In Spain, there is an incredible lot of restaurants, cafes and bars. Traditional Spanish cuisine is very different from the region to the region, the general ingredients of Spanish cuisine, which are used in all areas without exception - is olive oil, garlic, spices and red wine.

Traditional Spanish dishes are a paligue (rice with the addition of fish, meat or seafood), Gaspacho soup (cold soup from tomatoes and other vegetables), Hamon (chearable ham), tapas (numerous fault snacks), Tatotilla (hearty omelet based potatoes and eggs). National Spanish Sweets include Tourron (confectionery product, which includes honey, sugar, egg squirrel and fried almonds or other nuts), crumbly cookies, Catalan cream (dessert of milk, eggs and sugar). The Spaniards also love alcohol - their favorite drink is red wine and Sangria, which is made on its basis (it includes wine, spices, fruit actually, sometimes diluted with mineral water or other alcohol).

Food prices are usually not very high - you can dine in a small cafe by 10-15 euros, although, of course, there are expensive reflasses in Spain.

The service is generally not bad, the waiters are quite attentive, the only minus is their slowness. The Spaniards are pretty lazy in nature, so we are usually not hurry - do not expect that you will be able to dine in half an hour, even if the restaurant you chose, semi-empty. At the same time, the staffing staff is quite friendly, they will always ask if you like the food in their cafe. Here, as elsewhere, it is customary to leave the tips - the usual amount is 10 percent of the amount of the account.

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Useful information about the holiday in Spain. Tips for experienced tourists. 3708_3

National features

Tourists going to relax in Spain will not know about some national characteristics of life in Spain. First, it is siesta - That is, afternoon rest. Initially, Siesta wondered how resting at the hottest time of day (that is, from 2 to 4-5 hours of the day), but at present Siesta is observed even in winter, when the air temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. From about two o'clock in the afternoon to four to five pm in Spain, some cafes and restaurants are closed (this does not apply to tourist sites per season), as well as entrance to a number of museums. That is why, going to the holidays in Spain, think over your routes so as not to get to Siesta and not lose time.

Siesta does not act on large shopping centers - they, like everywhere, work from 10 am to 10 pm.

Secondly, you should pay attention to Schedule of banks (If you plan to use their services) - they are open only in the first half of the day, at 14:00 banks are closed and no longer opened until the next day. Here is such a work hours, be careful.

Communication with locals

Spaniards are a friendly, positive and smiling people, so you should not have any problems when communicating with them. As I mentioned above, not all of them know English, but you can try to explain to them on broken English, Spanish or even the language of gestures. The Spaniards are much more noisy than the Russians, so the first time you may be stunned by going to a cafe or supermarket - Spaniards do not speak with each other, they simply shout. Gradually get used to it.

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In principle, Spain is a fairly safe country for tourists. For tourists, violent crimes are extremely rarely committed (robbery, robbery, beating). But in large cities and on lively resorts, theft is flourishing - pockets in Spain enough, most often this is not indigenous inhabitants, but immigrants. In order not to become a victim of pockets, you need to observe the elementary precautions - not to carry valuable things to the beach, do not leave the wallet, the camera, the phone, do not put valuable things in the backpack, do not hang the bag on the back of the chair - in general, be careful .

In general, tourists can safely relax in Spain - loners - both men and women. Since the Spaniards are Europeans, their interest in the opposite sex, they express more or less restrained - may come to get acquainted, to see admire, but always remain within the framework of decency.

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