Beautiful nature + Caucasian GOST


Gaga is closest to the border with Russia, probably, so we stopped in it. Despite the fact that after the proclamation of the independence of Abkhazia, everything in it is somehow not established and many things are not controlled, but no one will never have nobody here, and no one has nothing to have anything that is not inherent in other resorts on the Black Sea coast.

The nature of Gagra is most surprising for his, I do not hesitate to say this, power: if it is the mountains, then with a height of more than 3000 meters, if it is a river, then its length is 110 km, if this is a lake, then more than 1 km, even if it is an ordinary palm tree , then almost 3 meters high. All tourists go along excursions and look at it all, just opening the mouth from indescribable beauty and not closing the camera's shutter.

But even more than nature, impressive Caucasian hospitality and good nature of local residents. They are all ready for hours to tell you about your country, which is losing crazy, despite the destroy after the war and instability after the proclamation of independence. They are always in a good mood and are ready to raise your only one second. Especially sellers and taxi drivers.

Beautiful nature + Caucasian GOST 3662_1

Beautiful nature + Caucasian GOST 3662_2

Beautiful nature + Caucasian GOST 3662_3

Beautiful nature + Caucasian GOST 3662_4

I want to return to Gagra to once again feel the whole Caucasian flavor.

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