Independent holiday in Greece. Tips and recommendations.


More and more people in our country begin to relate to the group of "potential tourists". Revenues of people, at least slowly, but steadily grow, gradually smoothing the difference with some countries of the West. There were more opportunities for obtaining additional income. Tourism gradually ceases to be a shuttle-shopping, becoming a civilized - restfully excursion. Travel agencies began to fruit, as on yeast, not only in megalopolis, but also in provincial territories. People massively in them reached out. Now it is no longer surprising by the number of countries visited. Foreign tourism, encourages the absence, or only the initial stage of the development of the tourist infrastructure in places of potential recreation in our country. And such places are enough. The Black Sea coast, one of the places of beach holidays Russians, by virtue of well-known political and economic factors, was temporarily forgotten, and is reborn only before our eyes. So far, the comfort of rest, its price factor, is turned face towards abroad.

Independent holiday in Greece. Tips and recommendations. 3651_1

However, with no long time, an increasing number of tourists began to think about an independent organization of his holiday abroad. I will try to bring to you the main advantages and cons of independent rest in such a wonderful country as Greece. I worked this question and successfully implemented Rhodes to relax on the Greek island.

Since Greece is a visa country, which is included in the circle of countries united by the Schengen Agreement, to the issue of obtaining a visa should be taken very seriously and responsibly. For self-design visa, you will need: questionnaire, 1 photo, certificate from work, certificate of purchase of currency, copy of insurance, if you drive with a child, a copy of the child's birth certificate, if you drive without a father, a copy of the father's consent to the child's trip. All documents must be notarized. But, as it seems to me, at least you have to be the consular department of the Greek Embassy. Moreover, prepare for it repeatedly visited. From the beginning, the documents will be accepted without checking if they find that it is not clear, will call, ask to come to clarify. You will come, explains the reason, (on the phone - no), to bring corrected again. And, without a queue, most likely you will not miss you, the magic phrase does not work here: And yesterday I was already here, I just give it ...

If there is no consular department in stock, it will have to trust professionals from the Internet (I would not), or use the service of the travel agency, some provide such services without the acquisition of the tour. What documents will be required here, then everyone will say in place. It all depends on them.

Now consider the advantages of an independent rest.

Independent holiday in Greece. Tips and recommendations. 3651_2

Of course, it is saving. From our trip, we exclude the services of numerous chleb, oh, sorry, intermediaries. And these are travel agencies, carrier, that is, you yourself choose the airline, its discounted stocks, eliminate the price of booking a hotel. Direct hotel for recreation you will find easily. In order to increase the savings, you can try to stay in small private hotels. Some of them offer different types of food. Of course, they do not have beaches and, as a rule, are more removed from the sea. If the legs are young, it will not be a special obstacle, but even diversifies your vacation. The next plus is your mobility. You can not be paid all the time staying in the hotel, and if you don't like something, you can change the hotel, or even the city, if the tour is purchased through the tour agency, whatever disgusting the hotel, you are just doomed to relax in it. It seems to me that this is the biggest plus!

Now, about some negative sides, the so-called "minuses". We have already spoken about independent design of documents. I will not repeat. The next minus, is the language of the country of stay. If you are talking at least in English, it is already easier. If not, you have to master the language of gestures, acquire a phrasebook. In a purchased round, if you do not understand the hotel staff, this is the care of the hotel and the guide tourists. In your case, the rescue of the drowning will be the work of the hands of the very immentable.

And the last but very important, I highlight it in a separate paragraph, medical insurance. With independent vacation, its design is necessarily. Prices for medical services in Greece are very high. Even the treatment of a banal dislocation can pour out in a round sum. I'm not talking about something more serious. Of course, the pah-pah across the left shoulder, but they hope on God, and you yourself are not a root.

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