Where is it better to rest in Romania and why?


In terms of tourism, Romania is pretty interesting and diverse country. It combines the main directions of rest and tourism. There are excellent resorts on the Black Sea coast with beach rest and mudhouse health resorts. Carpathian mountains, which occupy the large territory of Romania, rich in ski resorts and unique thermal lakes and salty caves used to prevent and treat various diseases, and mineral springs with their healing properties are well known not only in the country itself, but also beyond it. There is no little written about the sea resorts of this country, I want to tell about those places that are not less interest and which in my opinion it is worth visiting being in Romania.

Where is it better to rest in Romania and why? 3621_1

One of these places can be called the resort of the Sovata, which is located in the center of Transylvania, among the Carpathian Mountains. This historical area is well known to many, thanks to the story of the Count Dracula, whose lock is located in transylvania. The attractiveness of the Jestes are primarily connected with the geothermal lake "Ursu", which means "bearish", which for the amount of salt content is named '' by the Dead Sea Romania '' and attracts attention from the 17th century. According to its size, it ranks first in Europe among geothermal lakes and one of the most sacred in the world. The water density is so large that as well as on the dead of the sea is impossible to completely immerse. The temperature of the water on the surface of the lake is 20-25 degrees, and at a depth of more than one and a half meters rises to +60 degrees. Swimming in the lake is allowed strictly in time and does not exceed more than 15 minutes in water at every bathing.

Where is it better to rest in Romania and why? 3621_2

This is done so that the body does not be dehydrated from finding in water with a large salt concentration. Visiting the lake is possible twice a day for a period of no more than three hours and is paid. In total, there are seven such lakes in the area, but different in composition and even the color of the water, which are also named in red, black, green as well as serpentine, droceed and Alunish. But the URA is more popular, it is also rich in therapeutic mud, if the body can be smeared. Water and dirt are used in sanatoriums located on the shore of the lake, which are famous for the treatment of gynecological diseases and infertility in women. There is such a joke about the slant that the woman visited here and hoping in these healing waters can become pregnant without the help of a man.

Where is it better to rest in Romania and why? 3621_3

You can come to Sovat both by the way through the travel agency and independently. You can stop in one of the many hotels for every taste and wallet, and you can also take advantage of the removable apartment, which are universally surrendered by local residents and the price for accommodation will be an order of magnitude lower than in the hotel. You can use cafes or restaurants to power, which are provided here.

Another equally attractive resort in the Romanian Carpathians can be called Salnik Moldova, which operates two dozen mineral sources of various on their therapeutic properties and chemical composition. And also located in the area one of the salted caves, which are not enough in the territory of Romania, used to treat the breathing track allergies and bronchial asthma.

Where is it better to rest in Romania and why? 3621_4

In the salty cave, there are rooms for recreation, kegel, gaming and sports grounds. This salty sanatorium is considered the largest in Europe.

Water mineral springs Salnik Moldova, depending on its composition, are used to treat various diseases. Sanatoriums located at this resort are widely used for various types of water procedures.

Where is it better to rest in Romania and why? 3621_5

The choice of sanatorium is large enough, and in addition to the procedures with the use of mineral waters there are such as ozokerite, therapeutic massage, salty inhalations, etc. Rest and treatment is quite suitable for staying with children, for which gaming halls and playgrounds are provided. More information about the composition of mineral waters and their application can be found on websites on the Internet. You can also get information about hotels and sanatoriums Salnik Moldova and choose a more appropriate option. Prices for accommodation are quite democratic and start from 15 euros per day. Personally, I stayed several times at the Venus Hotel,

Where is it better to rest in Romania and why? 3621_6

In which I really like the medical base, accommodation and leisure conditions. Every evening the restaurant serves a musical group with a different repertoire under which the hotel's guests are dancing. The hotel staff is very friendly and friendly. By the way, that I was surprised, so these are masseurs who were with limited vision, and one rather elderly man, to whom I sometimes hit the massage and was blind at all, although I didn't immediately understand it, but after several sessions later. His skill I was simply surprised me, there were not so many of those professionals. One advice to those who will be resting for the first time in Salnik Maldov. Drink water only from those sources that the doctor will write to you and strictly in the amount that will be indicated in the card. Do not mix the WARi from different sources, since the reaction of your body can be unpredictable. And men pay attention to the source, if not mistaken at number five, in which the increased content of bromine. Try not to drink water from it if you want to draw the attention of the weaker sex. I personally experienced the action of this chemical element and not me alone, but all my friends. I liked the taste of water from this source, which seemed the most pleasant of all.

For those who are first going to come to rest in Romania, I recommend that these two resorts are recommended. Impressions you will remain the best, and the combination of pure mountain air Carpathians and mineral water of healing sources will correct you health and give a long time for a long time.

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