In winter, Bukowel is better than in the summer


Now, when I hear the word "Bukovel", I am overwhelmed with the amazing emotions and memories of those unforgettable days that I have been held at this ski resort of Ukraine. And so I want to share at least some of my memories. If I ask me why some? I will answer that I can talk about the bucovsel for hours, because more than once there I was and always remained satisfied with my holiday.

In winter, Bukowel is better than in the summer 3600_1

Many people believe that rest in Bukovele is not cheap holidays. Of course, if you check the prices of accommodation in the resort, food and other services. However, I never paid for housing 1000 GR / day, but chose accommodation in the private sector and it came out 100 hryvnia per day. And even better to collect the company and remove a separate house. In addition, the hostess always deliciously prepare local exotic dishes and is not very expensive.

Almost all at home and hotels are built entirely of wood that attaches special flavor and cozy atmosphere.

In winter, Bukowel is better than in the summer 3600_2

The disadvantages of the private sector include only what you have to get to the lifts of Bukovel in transport. Here I usually choose one taxi driver and work with him the whole rest.

The most important occupation on Bukovele is, of course, descents from the mountains on skis or snowboard. Once I was asked: what else can you do on Bukovele, except how to ski? When I descend from the mountain, I feel a huge tide of adrenaline. At the same time, the amazing beauty of the Ukrainian Carpathians surrounds around surrounds: Snow-covered spruce and dead men, delightful landscapes of mountain peaks and clean air with flavors of needles. I often lack the day to roll and I look in the morning to the lifts, and in the evening I do not want to leave from there. And then it seems to me that all other entertainment do not even stand nearby.

In winter, Bukowel is better than in the summer 3600_3

I always look forward to winter even more than the summer to go on Bukovel and ride a snowboard. And I think the winter holiday in the Carpathians is more interesting in the summer of the sea.

In winter, Bukowel is better than in the summer 3600_4

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