What should you expect from rest in Mallorca?


Four years ago we traveled to the Spanish Island - Mallorca. In general, I also call Mallorca. Both the fact and other names are common, and probably the right. I will call it as calling her local population - Mallorca.

What should you expect from rest in Mallorca? 3596_1

Mallorca refers to the archipelago of the Bolear Islands. Translated its name, describes the status of the island in the archipelago - the largest. This place has long been covered with tourists. Russians not so long ago mastered Mallorca, but it enjoys ever increasing popularity. And the main contingent of holidaymakers on the island is the British, Germans, French and Swiss. The French are moving here because of the relative cheapness, compared with domestic resorts. Representatives of Misty Albion, the British run away from the boring fog, the Germans and the Swiss go to warm up. Of course, not only come here the mentioned nation is present here all of Europe. That is - a full intermenimal. According to my observations, all this "international", along with the aforementioned reasons, travels to Majorca, tritely "to tear off". Conditionally they are divided into two groups - young people, and middle-aged people. Youth stops in cheap hotels and hostels. In the morning they are not visible on the street, and evening and night, until the morning - their time. From the evening all the feathers are occupied. Then they migrate noisy throughout the city as an anthowers. To their honor, merry companies are configured peacefully, aggression is not observed. Who tolerant treats noisy peaceful festivities, they are not afraid. I have not observed any conflict.

What should you expect from rest in Mallorca? 3596_2

Police apparently got used to them, watch with a smile. In their countries, for such behavior, at a minimum, the cute, would be such a company provided. The second group rests in worthy of 4-5 star hotels. Moreover, prefers rest over the "All Included" system. Watching this category, it seems that they will not crawl away from the bar. Bars, mostly near the pools. Such a Burger sits at a table in the bar, a beck of a beer tummy, his Burgers sits nearby, and the cocktails will be cedible, not forgetting his beer. Then refreshed in the pool, and again, at the table of excursions, at least in Mallorca, they do not need. But in this case, the behavior is decent, at least "Condition" for talkative, and its volume is valid. These observations by me are made on the basis of visiting other "old light". Probably, the magic climate of Mallorca is valid for people.

What should you expect from rest in Mallorca? 3596_3

The tourist season in Mallorca, as far from all the islands of the Mediterranean begins in April and ends in October. Many hotels are closed in order to prevent half the hotel's half fullness, the travelers, instead of their hotel, can be redirected to another, one system, one owner. But politely. Some additional preferences, gifts, improvement of hotel quality, rooms are offered. One is nice, there is no other. However, this is a given, not to leave it. Naturally, at this time there are seasonal prices. That's the time of a relaxing time on the island. The most fellow, but the most expensive will be the end of August and September. There are no storms at this time, the sea is warm after summer, the weather is not hot. Also, September, the best time for those who do diving. All maritime animals is selected to the shore.

The nature of Mallorca is surprising. On the island, about forty national reserves. To see the true, not touched by the nationality of nature, you need to travel to the depths of the island. The mountain valleys have wild almond groves and olives. Wild goats are found. But not all reserves welcome visits to tourists. Mallorca is jealously guarded his nature. Another natural paradox of blooming, green Mallorca - there is no river on the island. There are channels flows flowing from the mountains during shower, but rivers, with the source, no. Freshwater Mallorca is powered by sources and spring reservoirs located in coastal areas.

Arriving on Mallorca, tourists will find rest to their taste at any time of the year. Even from the end of the autumn in the spring, you can find a hotel where there are heated pools. And fans of cool water can surprise the heat-loving Spaniards by accepting marine and air baths. After all, even in December-January, the sea temperature does not fall below 16 degrees, in Russia it corresponds to the beginning of the swimming season. But, unlike beach, fussy summer, you will find a cultural and excursion rest. And after the rest, "Let you dream, Palma de Mallorca," success!

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