What should I look at Toledo?


If you are some wind in Toledo, then the first thing you must see is the world's largest Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. Majesty and the beauty of the cathedral simply amaze, gothic architecture and decoration are incredible. If you seemed to you outside that this cathedral is simply the top of perfection, then inside the tourists simply lose the gift of speech from the luxury and wealth with which the introner was decorated. Columns, porticors, arches, vaults ... Everything is decorated and collected in such an incredible ensemble, that it is not even believed that the cathedral is the creation of man's hands.

If you are interested in religious art, I also advise you to visit the Kristo de la Lu La Luz mosque and Santa Maria La Blanca synagogue.

Next, it is simply not possible to miss the lock, which is located at the highest point of the hill, on which the city is located - Alcazar Castle. Many times the castle was rebuilt and completed, so it represents an eclectic ensemble of different styles. Now it has a museum of the Armed Forces, the entrance costs about 20 euros, but if you are not interested in weapons in the castle, it's still worth going to admire the views that open from the windows in the towers.

Next, you should see the fortress of San Servano, which is built right on the shore of the Tahoe. The fortress was a defensive structure, now it is located a hotel and a meeting room.

There are a lot of museums in Toledo, but the most important is the Museum of El Greco, the works of the famous artist are kept here. The museum is essentially a house, in the Jewish quarter of Hudaria, it was here that El Greco lived and worked. Also, some works of El Greco are exposed to the Hospital of Tamer, this is a former hospital, and now the museum. Entrance to the house of El Greco is about 10 euros, and at the hospital of the Tavever 15 euros.

For a variety It is also worth visiting the Museum of Arab culture, located in the Mauritan Palace Talter de Moro. Previously, marble was treated in this building and stored objects for decorating mosques, cathedrals, synagogue. Now there is a museum in which ceramics elements are exhibited such as tiles, finishing tiles, wooden carved items and even skilled tumors. The entrance to the museum will cost 15 euros.

Another museum that simply can not miss this Museum of Spanish Inquisition! Of course, the children are not worth going here, the atmosphere is slightly terrible and bloodthirsty, sometimes striking, to what these inquisitors were sophisticated! There is such a device ... as if described, in general, the poor victims, the same cameras for spending blood, Spanish boots, belts of loyalty ... It is worth ordering a guide, otherwise it is very difficult to understand for what and how it was used. In the museum, already five halls, and the exhibits are just horrifying. The entrance is about 30 euros.

As you can see, museums are a huge set, choose to your taste. Unfortunately, one week to see everything is not enough, so even before the trip it is worth deciding what exactly you are interested in most. If you take with you young children, I do not think that they will be interested in walking on exhibitions and museums, it is rather excursions for adults.

Also walking along Toledo you will see a huge variety of churches and cathedrals, each of them is unique, entering them, you will feel a special atmosphere, a special aura of the city.

What should I look at Toledo? 3594_1

Interior decoration of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary

What should I look at Toledo? 3594_2

Toledo street

What should I look at Toledo? 3594_3

Bridge near the fortress of San Servanando

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