What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap?


Tone Lesapa - the largest lake in Southeast Asia. A visit to this lake enters the mandatory program for many travel agencies. The purpose of the excursion is familiarizing with the life and life of people who live there. On the lake there are several floating Vietnamese villages, people living there, most of their lives spend on the water. Their main type of earnings is begging and selling souvenir tourists and anything all.

Tourists on the lake ride on small elongated boats. Rushing on the lake, be prepared that the locals will chase you on their high-speed wooden boats. Parents are managed by plasticism while their children are asked to alms, while somehow hang on the stem. Children mature, can jump on board and sell cool drinks to tourists (the price standard is one dollar per jar).

Local "pirates"

What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap? 3591_1

I want to say that the entire excursion is accompanied by such permanent "attacks", which of course is very annoying and spoils the mood. Of course, you can argue that poverty will force them to it. But the guides say that mostly all this "showing" for tourists. These people can be engaged in fishing, and guaranteed to sell the catch to the state. But they are lying and teach their children to such a simple craft, because it brings easy and fast income. In Cambodian standards, they do not earn badly, and no one forbids live on land on land.

But despite these minuses, the lake tone Lesapa is a very colorful place. Here are all administrative buildings on the water: police station, school, shopping shops, cafes, church. Even crocodiles contain in special enclosures.


What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap? 3591_2


What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap? 3591_3


What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap? 3591_4

Wolter with crocodiles

What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap? 3591_5

Little children traveled themselves on the lake in basins. This is a full-featured city with its way of life, which is quite satisfied with its inhabitants.

What can be seen on the lake Tone Lesap? 3591_6

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