How much will rest in Lviv cost?


Lviv is one of the most beautiful historic cities in Ukraine, and, probably, with the most expensive souvenirs. Let's calculate the costs. To begin with, you need to choose accommodation. Since the hotels here are not quite popular, then the prices are high there, it means you should choose an apartment. Mostly tourists try to choose accommodation closer to the center, more precisely in the center. The central location is the area of ​​the market and apartments here from 300 UAH per day (at the height of the season). But the center is not only the area of ​​the market, if you want to save from 50 to 120 UAH., Choose apartments in the area of ​​the puppet theater, this is also a center, only to the square market you will have to go through minutes 5. Urban transport is a penny, so it's not even Point estate. Excursions. The most popular excursion "Golden Horseshoe Lviv region" is a day bus tour of the three castles of the Lviv region. She is 175 UAH. per person.

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Also, I think it is worth a visit to the Lychakovsky cemetery, where famous writers, actors, researchers and in general, the entire cultural elite of Western Ukraine are buried

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The entrance costs about 20 hryvnias and Shevchenkovsky Park, where you will see accurate copies of houses in which Ukrainians lived in different centuries in different parts of Western Ukraine - the entrance about 15 hryvnia. In Lviv, a lot of different museums, such as the Arsenal Weapon Museum, but the cost of entering there from 5 to 10 hryvnia. It is also worth visiting the Town Hall (tower on the central square), and the entrance will cost 10 hryvnia. So the entrances to museums and parks are not so expensive. Lviv is famous for their churches and churches, but the entrance to them is free.

Most of the money you spend on souvenirs, food and different thematic cafes. If you are renting an apartment, I advise you to have breakfast at home, there will be much cheaper to buy tea, cheese, bread, well, or that you prefer to eat. Apartments are found with the main utensils, so make something easy for breakfast will not be difficult. And so, if you do not walk on such restaurants like Darwin (in the center of Lviv a very chic restaurant, the average price of a dish from 200 UAH photo of one of the dishes),

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That 100-150 hryvnia for food per day for a person is enough with his head. So for example, a coffee shop where rudely can become your favorite place, it is right on the square market, there is a cup of tea and a very large piece of cherry strzdel will cost 30 hryvnia. It is also worth visiting Maisterunya Chocolate, where you will see how the real chocolate is prepared, there you can leave about 150 hryvnia, because their chocolate is simply magical!

Souvenirs in Lviv there is a huge variety, there are standard, and there are handmade. Magnets stand from 8 UAH. Up to 25, as well as in Lviv, there are very beautiful clay cups of handmade, such a cup will cost hryvnia at 40.

What to miss, and what to visit depends on you, I will only say that for two weeks in Lviv it cost us in 2000 hryvnia + 170 hryvnia per day for rental apartments. We rested in September. There are a lot of tourists in Lviv, but for holidays there are especially many of them, more demand is higher than the price. If you want to save - choose the dates when weekends and holidays are not scheduled.

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