Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against


Kamenets-Podolsky is an ancient city-fortress in the west of Ukraine.

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_1

A visiting card of the city is Kamenets-Podolsky Castle, located at the outskirts of the old city, over the cliffs of the canyon of the River River.

The city enjoys great popularity from both tourists from Ukraine, Russia and Poland, Austria, Germany and other Western countries.

The great cultural property of the past centuries has been collected here. This is the third in the number of architecture memos of the city of Ukraine after Lviv and Kiev.

The old town reigns a special atmosphere of the Middle Ages, crowned with the spirituality of churches and churches. Wide streets lined with a parallery are harmoniously combined with various architectural masterpieces that are here on every corner.

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_2

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_3

If you are traveling in Western Ukraine, be sure to include the city of Kamenets-Podolsky in his program, having visited here once, you will plunge into the atmosphere of knights and beautiful princesses.

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_4

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_5

Each western city is unique in his own way, there are many historical castles and fortresses, so it is difficult to visit Kamenets-Podolsky with something to compare, there is definitely to visit and plunge into history with your head!

Pluses of rest in Kamenetz-Podolsky:

- The city-fortress with a unique landscape - the river of the possess of centuries made his way into a rocky rock, making a loop, formed an island, on which the old city was built, steep canyon cliffs, defended him from uninvited guests.

- Every day you can walk both through the territory of the castle and in his district, the latter is much more interesting.

- Acquaintance with historical sights, while walking in the old town.

- Unique canyon of the River River with a tropical microclimate.

- A visit to interesting excursions about the proximity to Kamenets-Podolsky, such as Khotynskaya Fortress, Bakot, Chernivtsi, Caves, Monasteries.

- Good transport relationships with excursion facilities, railway station and bus station are 20 minutes from the Old Town.

- Large selection of hotels, a hotel and hostels.

Cons rest in Kamenets-Podolsky:

- If you are traveling on your own transport, be prepared for the terrible quality of roads.

- To understand and feel the atmosphere of the city, you need to walk a lot. You can go on the car through the old town, but I recommend, still wander through the old streets yourself or with a guide.

- No budget housing, as it did not fit at the local population to take apartments to tourists coming for a couple of days. But there are cheap hotels.

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_6

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_7

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_8

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_9

A visit to Kamenets-Podolsky with kids can be very tedious, and historical objects are not exactly what they can interest them. Roads are lined with a paving, if you take a cane in a stroller, the child will be in a permanent shaking. Definitely advise a trip with a child in Kamenets-Podolsky I can't! A older kids in the castle will be interested in entertainment as archery and crossbow, as well as theatrical knightly tournaments. Once a year, the festival of balloons is carried out, where for a specific fee you can see the city from a bird's eye view.

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_10

Rest in Kamenets-Podolsky: for and against 3575_11

Kamenets-Podolsky is a city in which they love to hold business meetings, seminars, trainings that combine pleasant with useful.

Great place for a weekend tour or as one of the points of visiting cities in Western Ukraine. In order to get acquainted with the sights, a fortress, the canyon you will need at least 3 days.

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