When is it better to relax in Tarragona?


It is best to go to the Spanish Tarragona in August, because it is the warmers in the resort. In addition, you can within this period not only to enjoy the wonderful sea, but also to get acquainted with the richest culture of the city.

Of course, summer is the most beautiful period in almost all Spain. The sea warms up to the warm temperature, well, if the wind occurs and the light summer rains happen, they only add some coolness to some hot days.

The average air temperature during this period is on the mark from plus 27 to plus 29 degrees of heat, and the temperature of the driver in the sea is also very pleasant - from plus 21 to plus 26 degrees of heat. In general, this is the most beautiful time for any kind of rest, which can only come to your mind.

When is it better to relax in Tarragona? 35534_1

Well, naturally, with such a beautiful weather, it is possible to quite assume that tourists in the summer Spain are very and very much. Therefore, book hotels, hostels, apartments or houses should be as possible in advance.

In September, in Tarragona, it is possible to get almost all of the charm of the same summer weather from both the sea and air. The air temperature holds on average at the mark of + 27 degrees of heat, but the rare rain can still be sanging the overall impression. But tourists are already smaller, and it breathes much more comfortable.

The sea will not bring you anything at all - you can not worry about it, because the water temperature is still holding at a plus of 24 degrees.

Well, if you plan to go to October or in November, then these months are more suitable for studying local attractions, the benefit that they are in this resort in excess.

The air temperature during this period is +17 degrees, and the water in the sea is about to make the same temperature. But November with all this is considered the rainy month.

Spring in Tarragona is felt much more pleasant than autumn, because the rains are already smaller, and the air is a little warmer - about plus 19 degrees. The sea begins to warm up, but it is not suitable for swimming - plus 17 degrees of heat. However, you can enjoy the trip in the spring, most of all in May month.

When is it better to relax in Tarragona? 35534_2

It goes without saying that winter is the coldest time of the city in Tarragona, since the air temperature drops to marks from plus 9 to plus 13 degrees, but the cold wind blows, maybe snow, and maybe it's raining, well, and the sea in This time is warmed only by + 13 degrees.

But at the same time it is very nice that the sun shines in all these cold days, and the light day is not so short, like, for example, in our homeland, so it is much more pleasant.

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