Rest in Santa Ponce: for and against


Santa Ponza is a very popular resort, which is located on the south-west coast of Mallorca is about 23 kilometers from the capital of this island of beautiful Palma de Majorca. The resort of Santa Ponce got fame due to its beautiful white sand beaches and still crystal clear water.

Santa Ponce is a wonderful place to relax in a beautiful and unusually relaxing atmosphere. For all holidaymakers, there are many different entertainment, and for every taste. But first of all, perhaps Santa Pons is known for its golf courses. Here there are three large fields for this game at once, and the first of them is public, and the second and third private and are intended only for club members.

Rest in Santa Ponce: for and against 35506_1

Ramon de Monkada is considered the main street of the resort. It is also the most lively place in the resort, there is a huge number of different restaurants and bars. Just a few minutes drive from the resort there is a very beautiful natural park called "La Reserva" - it will certainly be visited. All adventure lovers and also an active recreation will be perfectly able to spend their time there.

A huge sandy beach separated from the pine forest of a pretty walking allery was spreading at Santa Ponce's resort. In the summer, residents of the capital come here, as well as vacationers from resorts located next door. On the beach, anyone, if desired, can take a sun bed, paying him for every hour of rent, or immediately for the whole day. Also here you can rent any water equipment.

The big advantage of this beach is that it is limited to the zone for swimming, and there can not get those holidays that are engaged in water sports. Already here there is a item of first aid - you will find it on a pleasure alley next to the tourist office. But unfortunately, the toilet cabins on the beach you will not find, but if there is a need, you can go to any bar in the toilet, and this is not necessary to be its client.

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There are also on the beach and difficult rocky bays, but with children there is hardly worth walking. However, if you have already decided for yourself to take a walk along them, then surely take care of some comfortable shoes.

There is also a plot here, which is called a "little beach" - it can be found on the way to the yacht pier. There usually do not have a lot of people, but there are no special amenities there either.

But after all, its main advantage is the moment that it is very safe for children and besides there is a playground, and the beach itself is in the shade of a pine forest. Another highlight of this beach can be called a summer "portable library".

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