What is interesting to see Badalon?


Since the Spanish resort of Badalon is located only in some few kilometers from the capital of Catalonia, the significance of the main number of local attractions is lost.

But in reality, there are several fairly interesting places for tourists, only for the sake of them specifically, of course, come here. However, if you still found yourself on vacation in Badalon, you should pay attention to these sights.

First of all, it is necessary to look into the largest and most visited museum in the resort, which is called - "Badalone Museum". It was discovered in 1966 and is located on the site of the ancient Roman term found by archaeologists in this place in 1954. When you run through the museum, you will see that the exposition is fully dedicated to this historical period of these places - the era of the Roman Empire.

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You can see in the museum such exhibits that are dedicated to Romanesque architecture are the statue of Venus, the oil lamp belonging to the first century BC, and the hinges. And also to the era of the Middle Ages - the iconostasis of St. Sebastian, for example.

There is a museum and more modern exhibits - this is the tile of the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries, well, of course, the paintings relating to the culture of the twentieth century. Also, there are also exhibits of the epoch dedicated to the Pyrenees himself - this is a jug with ships, a jug "black eye" and a vase from the brocade.

Also very interesting exhibits are considered Roman terms, which are located in the basement rooms of the museum. They best transmit the atmosphere of exactly those times, and indeed tourists consider the most interesting thing this part of the museum.

Also, it is worth allocating on the territory of this museum located there "House of Dolphins" - this is the so-called Roman Patrician house built in the first century to our era.

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It is also located in the basement and consists of several rooms - wineries, a working office and a living room. It is especially worth highlighting a mosaics, which are distinguished by incredibly high quality, well, of course, the remnants of the wall-mounted original painting.

Also on the first floor it is worth visiting the garden of Quint Litinia - here you can see a sample garden that has previously surrounded by a Patrician house. You, as it were, will make a kind of virtual walk along this attraction, you will be able to see the stone pool, which was built in the first century BC, and the plants growing at the time here, and also hear the singing of birds.

Since Badalon is a sea city, then the most interesting sights here are naturally on the waterfront. One of these can be quietly attributed to the Pier, which goes to the sea. You can walk along it and, if you wish, also make a couple of beautiful photos of Badalon. But at the same time you need to know that it was previously used to unload oil from tankers.

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Also on the pier there is a symbol, as well as the main attraction of the city of Badalon - the sculpture of a monkey man, which holds a bottle of anise liqueur in his hand. Noteworthy is the fact that this sculpture was installed not by the city authorities, but the owners of the liquor plant, who considered it with an excellent advertising of their goods. It must be said that this is a favorite sculpture at the locals and all guests of the city, because everyone loves to be photographed with it.

Also, the local attractions can also be attributed to the Badalon Embankment - Rambla de Vadalona, ​​which stretches for 5 kilometers along the coast from Western and Eastern Okrain of the city. She is the main street of the resort, because all the main shops, restaurants and cafes are located.

Tourists simply adore this place for its picturesque views and a relatively small number of people, which is quite rare on Spanish standards. It is worth not to forget that many houses located on the embankment are of interest from an architectural point of view, since their main part was built at the beginning of the XX century.

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