Leisure in Sharm el-Sheikh


My vacation in Sharm El Sheikh was held at the end of October 2013. October turned out to be a good month for recreation in Egypt: Heat, but the sun is not much fries. The first thing I was impressed is the quality of the road surface: the road as glass, smooth, without a single flaw.

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The next impression was air conditioners in all transport, both in buses and in minibuses, a taxi. Whatever transport I use - there was no hot nowhere. As for leisure in Sharm el-Sheikh, the choice here is rich: from rest on the shores of the Red Sea to dinner in the restaurant. For the first few days I gave the territory of the hotel, and did not go anywhere. All subsequent days of vacation in the evenings I was outside the hotel.

The first place where I went to be Nama Bay - the territory on which there is everything: markets, restaurants, shops, and so on. Here you can smoke a hookah for a dollar, drink a delicious carcade for two, and eventually leave a cafe with a score of $ 20 for live music or for dancing men with skirts. Here everyone works so - the trick at every step. Also selling excursions anywhere, the prices are very different everywhere. The market in Naama Bay is quite large, and there is absolutely everything. You can bargain and need, you can sometimes throw off 20 dollars. The main thing is to follow things and money.

The next point of entertainment became Sokh Square.

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There is a solid beauty: color fountains with music, sculptures of various, and again cafe, restaurants and small markets. But buying here will cost more than in Nama Bay. The territory is guarded by the military with automata. In general, from Sokh Square did not want to leave.

Further on the schedule was kating on quads. I bought an excursion to Naama Bay, it is much cheaper than the tour operator or in the hotel. Skating on quadrics There are different durations. It is very exciting, you can drink tea from Bedouins, will deliver the Echo to the Valley.

In general, there are a lot of entertainment in Sharm El Sheikh, for any pocket and gourmet.

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