What excursions should go to Fuerteventura?


During the rest on the Spanish Island Fuerteventura, if you wish to go on a tour of the huge Park "Dune Corporation", which stretches along the road on both sides to the city of Corporation. In fact, the Park is sand dunes, the height of which periodically reaches up to 50 meters.

Since 1982, this area has been protected and is considered a reserve. Many tourists are perplexed - where did this desert come from here? And in fact, it is the most natural sand, which remained from the shells of mollusks and from the other inhabitants of the ocean and the centuries dreamed on the shores of Fuerteventura. To date, the area of ​​this reserve is more than 2.5 thousand hectares.

What excursions should go to Fuerteventura? 35337_1

Another National Natural Park on the island is Candy, which covers an area of ​​more than 14,000 hectares and geographically includes beaches of Coffee and Barklovense. These are two as if flowing on each other long beach, stretching for several tens of kilometers. Civilization here ends in a tiny village, which is also called a coupe.

Well, behind it begins the stunning space, accompanied by a deafening wave roar. If you go to the coften on the paved pedestrian path, then from the mountains are opening such panoramas, which simply captures the spirit. This is an unusually beautiful section of the shore and you will certainly need to visit, even though the road there is not easy, and it is not allowed to swim there because of too strong waves.

Another sand dune on the island is called Risco-del Paso, but it is not related to the park, which is located near a corpolation. This is in a generally movable dune, the height of which is approximately the height of the residential building and is located in the south of the island near Morrow del Huble, and directly directly from her already begins a very spacious and picturesque beach.

It is also necessary to visit the cliffs of Kaleta Negro - these are such majestic caves, which are located near the village of Ayu geographically on the west coast of the island. When you go to these caves, it seems that you will decrease in size and become tiny, so incredibly high. It's not so easy to get there simply, because you have to climb a long time to climb up the very steep major stone steps, and for this it is necessary to argue comfortable shoes and take water with you.

What excursions should go to Fuerteventura? 35337_2

Well, it was simply unforgivable not to visit the sacred Mount Tinda, which was the place of religious worship from the ancient Canar. The height of this mountain is 400 meters, and there is still a stone pillar, considered sacred from the ancient peoples inhabited on the island. There, too, you need to shove good shoes and take water with you.

It is also worth going to the next tiny island of Isle de Lobos. There, too, there is a natural reserve, the area of ​​which is 6 square kilometers. There you expect several small and cozy lagoon, as well as the likelihood that you will see the habitats of flight birds. But on their territory to enter categorically impossible. Then you can see small crater.

If you are lucky, you will witness how they come to an active condition and in this case, steam is broken from under the surface. On this island, several pedestrian routes continued and you can get to the top of the mountain.

It is impossible to get lost because all the paths are beautifully labeled and there are signs everywhere. And in time, count on the fact that in order to get around the whole island, you will need about 2-2.5 hours. You can get to this island from the port of Corralejo on a small boat.

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