Rest on Fuerteventura with children. Tips parents.


In the Spanish resort Fuerteventura have a sufficiently soft climate, there are beautiful big sandy beaches, as well as a very high level of security and, probably, therefore, this place is perfect for recreation with children. The only minus minus is that there are enough cool water in the ocean, so it is impossible to sit there are impossible.

However, nevertheless, many parents do not stop, and they come here with the kids and in the end remain very pleased. Children are usually very easily adapted to the climate and even they do not have acclimatization.

Rest on Fuerteventura with children. Tips parents. 35332_1

To relax with children on the island, it is better to choose such quiet and calm resorts that are available on the Handia Peninsula, and then there are not such strong waves there, so it will be easier to swim. However, in no case should not leave children in the ocean of some even literally in shallow water. There are reverse currents and for children they are pretty and dangerous.

You can visit with children a very interesting "Oasis Park", which is located near the town called La Lahta. This is a wonderful wildlife reserve, but it should be borne in mind that at this place, even 30 years ago, there was a completely naked desert.

Well, today, he is a giant territory covered with greens, and there are almost a few hundred species of animals, marine inhabitants and birds, including those that are not found on the island in the middle of wild nature at all.

Tickets for adults and adolescents over 12 years old in the park are 33 euros, well, for children aged 4 to 11 years old - 19.5 euros, for visitors over 60 years old - 28 euros. If you wish, you can also additionally pay Safari on camels and contacts with sea lions and lemurs. Tickets can be purchased right on site in the park or in advance on the Internet, and the park works year-round.

Rest on Fuerteventura with children. Tips parents. 35332_2

Every day in the morning from 8 to 9:30 hours from different areas of the Fuerteventura, free buses to Park are sent from different areas, and in the evening they will be brought around all visitors back. In addition, there are free cycling in the park, and all tracks are equipped here in such a way that visitors on wheelchairs can move there.

Every 10 minutes a free jingle bass rides. And then there are several shops and cafes on the territory of the park, and there is also a playground for children and even a service for renting four-wheeled scooters.

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