Which hotel is better to stay in Malaga?


With the question where it is best to stay in Malaga, it's not so difficult to understand - the most important thing is to determine what is more important for you more importantly or a cultural program. If the cultural program, then, of course, it is best to stop directly in the historical center itself. In essence, it is very large in the territory and there is a giant selection of hotels, and for every taste and on any wallet.

From the south side to the center, there are two small very specific, but but very prestigious areas - Soho and Malagetta. Here Malagetta is just famous for the fact that it is the closest to the center of the beach and therefore here are the most expensive and prestigious hotels. Well, Soho is the area of ​​artists and the gallery.

If you are more interested in a beach vacation, it is better to go to the eastern direction. This is the Malaga Este area or in the West to the Carretera De Cádiz area. In the eastern side, the beaches are better considered in quality and therefore there is more selection of hotels, but also prices, respectively, too higher.

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However, from the beach regions to the historic center, it is difficult to get to more than 5 kilometers. So when you choose housing it is here, then you certainly pay attention to the presence of public transport stops nearby with your hotel.

In the historic center it is best to stay with those who are more interest in the sights. This is essentially the heart of Malaga - there are amazingly beautiful houses, temples, squares, cozy cafes, cobbled streets, fountains, cheerful Spanish spirit, medieval fortress and hidden in secluded corners various bars. In fact, it's all that we most often go to relax in Europe.

The choice of hotels here is extremely big - there are more than 500 more, and therefore they are naturally they constantly compete with each other and reduce prices, and also make sales so that in the end it is not to stay at all without guests.

In general, from a financial point of view, it turns out often even more profitable than for example, in remote areas. The price for the number per day here starts from 25 euros. Malagetta is a very prestigious area, which is surrounded by the sea on all sides.

But at the same time, it is in the minute walking distance from from the All Historic Center. So if in your plans to combine beach holidays with examination of cultural attractions, then you best stop here.

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However, it is also worth understanding that hotels in Malaget are very expensive - the rooms start from 70 euros, and then they often do not often have free places. If suddenly you are lucky, and you were able to book accommodation in Malaget, when it would be there, we will certainly go to the Museum Pompidou, which is the main district attraction.

Soho is the most fashionable area in the city - there are all sorts of art-spaces, galleries, artists, designer cafes, graffiti and the mass of not ending cultural events. Soho has an excellent location, because from 3 sides is limited to the historic center, then the river and of course by the sea. The price for accommodation here starts from 40 euros per day.

Eastern Malaga is in general a huge beach area located in the eastern direction from the historic center. In fact, all hotels in this area are within walking distance from the sea, but if you want to the center, then you will need to get on some kind of transport, for example, for a taxi in 15 minutes.

Hotels there are both network and private, and mostly they are built in True Andalusky style - with patio courtyards, with orange trees and, of course with merry owners. The price for accommodation here starts from 35 euros per day.

Carretaker de Cadiz is a large residential area located in the west direction from the historic center for a distance of 5 kilometers. All hotels here are mainly located near the coastline within walking distance from her. Here you can find a fairly decent number of budget proposals. Those who come to Malaga exclusively for the sake of the sea should be seen here. Prices for accommodation come here from 20 euros per day.

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