When is it better to relax in San Sebastian?


If you are planning your trip to relax in the San Sebastian resort, you must take into account that the hypost is considered one of the rainy regions of Spain. In winter, there is almost constantly overcast, but in the summer as a rule there is very good weather.

As for the autumn period and spring, here the situation is to predict somehow almost even impossible - in some year it may be too rainy, and in the next on the contrary sunny.

So, in order not to depend on the weather, it is best to go to San Sebastian precisely in the holiday season, that is, since May and October month. But it is precisely during this period in the resort there is always more tourists and the price is always higher, respectively.

Well, in the unreasonable time, the condominium almost dies - you will not see any crowd in the historic part of the city, on the beaches and in the port. But at the same time, this fact is not reflected in the work of various institutions.

When is it better to relax in San Sebastian? 35273_1

This is due to the fact that in addition to the tourists and surfers who arrive at the resort and surfers, there is still a very large number of students, since there are several prestigious universities. Yes, in fact, the locals themselves are ready to walk in any weather.

Summer of course is in San Sebastian to highlight the tourist season. The air temperature here is incredibly comfortable and on average holds at a mark + 27 degrees, while there is no such exhausting heat as, for example, in other Spanish resorts.

The most interesting thing is that at night it can even be slightly cool, so it's best to capture some warm blouse. In addition, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that at this resort the sea may not be so warm, as in other Mediterranean resorts.

Very comfortable weather in order to swim continues from mid-June to early September. It is also worth not to forget that in the summer in San Sebastian, the largest number of festivals and including the famous Jazzaldia passes.

Of course, the very first month of autumn in San Sebastian is always considered a velvet season. If the air temperature is still kept at a mark of + 20 degrees, then especially bold tourists continue to swim, since the weather is a fundamental to plus 18 degrees.

During this period of sunny days, there is still a lot, although it is gradually becoming less and less. Finally the weather will be spoiled as a rule by mid-November, so it becomes more cold

But at the end of September, many celebrities arrive at the San Sebastian resort, because the famous film festival is held here. Well, in October, if you can relax there, you can visit the festival of horror films.

When is it better to relax in San Sebastian? 35273_2

If you want to come to the resort of San Sebastian in the spring, it is better to go there in the second half of April, when the air warms up to plus 20 degrees and stand sunny days. In addition, the trees begin to bloom at this time and it looks incredibly beautiful. With the arrival of May of the month, summer weather is almost installed, so in fact the tourist season opens.

But still, if you want to swim also, then you need to plan a trip either for the summer or on early autumn. Water has time to warm up only in June and until the middle of September does not have time to cool. At the same time, spring is completely rich for any holidays or cultural events in the resort.

Winter in terms of weather is naturally not the most successful time in order to visit San Sebastian. If the air is heated somewhere from plus 5 to plus 10 degrees, then it must be borne in mind that at this time the sun is almost at all.

But in winter, you can feel a truly indescribable festive atmosphere. You can see how all sorts of Christmas fairs and folk festivities are held on beautifully decorated urban streets. And if you are present there on January 20, you can see how fun and brightly celebrated the day of the city, by the way, he is called Tamborrad.

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