What excursions should go to Torreviej?


The Spanish Resort Torrevieja is also notable for the fact that in its vicinity there are a considerable amount of very interesting and fairly unique places. For example, one of these is Lake Salinas or Pink Lake. It is considered the informal main tourist attraction of this region.

And unofficial because, in principle, the entrance to the lake is prohibited, and it is discouraged with a high fence from the wire. However, not far from the shopping center called "NabaNeras", which can be reached on foot in 15 minutes, or the tricky Russians, whether some thoughtful scandinavians managed to dismantle a decent piece of this fence and, respectively, protruded to the lake a wide path.

Some travelers say that the salt level in this lake is much higher than the level of the Dead Sea. However, the accurate data of scientific data on this occasion is not available, but the effect in principle exactly the same. Here you can also lie on the water on the back to stay afloat and read the magazine, while not making any effort.

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Well, the saturated color of water, of course, give special bacteria living in it, and by the way they are the most basic food for flamingos. Probably, that is why Flamingo and have such a beautiful pink color.

It is nice to know that this zone is considered officially reserved and therefore the construction of both hotels is fully prohibited on the shore of this magic lake, as in principle and health complexes. Probably, the city authorities still preferred to keep this unique natural corner.

Another very interesting attraction is the Moroccan house, which is located just 35 kilometers from the resort. It is called "Carmen de Campillo" and are a huge tea, which is located in the present Arab house.

Here you can drink tea from Pakistan and from Turkey, feel sweet smells of hookah, try home halva, as well as admire the garden with peacocks and fountains. In essence, for the sake of this paradise, it is possible to move a little bit, because you can only get here by car and be sure to use the navigator, because there are no pointers on the entrance.

It is more convenient to navigate to get here from the city of Kreviante. Also note that if you drink tea with sweets, then you will need to add about 3-4 euros for the entrance - the amount depends on the time of year.

Also during the holidays in the resort of Torrevieja, you can go to Tabarka Island - this trip will bring a lot of positive emotions and adults, and children. There are small shipments from the port in Torreviej in the early morning, and approximately 5-6 pm returned travelers back.

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This time is certainly enough to explore this tiny island and take a dip in crystal clear water. A ticket for an adult costs 20 euros, and for children in 15 euros (back and back). Well, in the way you can quite enjoy the sea species and see Torreviej, on the other hand, well, if you are lucky, you will meet more dolphins. Just a trip to the island last 40 minutes.

Tabark Island of course lives exclusively at the expense of tourism, in connection with this, prices in local interest in interest are about 30 higher than in Torrevieja. So, if you plan to spend almost all day on the island, it is better to cook with me some sandwiches, snacks, stocking drinking water and of course sunscreen.

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