What time is it better to go to vacation in Almeria?


Although I can say about Almeria with full confidence that there is almost all year round there is a summer and the sun shines all the time, but the locals still believe that it is best to come there on vacation or from February to April, or from August to October month.

In these periods, the Sun will not be severe, and the thermometer column is rarely rising above plus 30 - plus 35 degrees. So you can calmly inspect the sights and at the same time not to be snewing from the heat, as well as enjoy the blurred green shrubs with trees and light cool breezes.

What time is it better to go to vacation in Almeria? 35240_1

As for the sea in Almeria, it can be said about him that it is constantly always warm and swim there all year round. In winter, even the water temperature does not fall below plus 18 degrees, but the locals at that time the beaches do not at all at all.

For them, the most wonderful time of the year is March month, that is, this is the time when the province begins to come to life after winter and is fully filled with a huge number of fresh flavors of the flower sleep. The fruit trees with shrubs are beginning to bloom, and the greens pick up a new force. Therefore, the city looks very bright and very juicy.

Summer in Almeria is incredibly roast and incredibly arid, the sun shines almost every day and is not at all cloudy weather. The hottest month in the resort is of course July, and during this period the air temperature rises above the plus 50 degrees, and even at night it may not be descended below plus 30 degrees.

And on average, the temperature in the summer is kept at a mark from plus 30 to plus 35 degrees. However, despite such sultry weather and on the scorching sun, still in the summer in Almeria there is a height of the tourist season. The sea at this time is very warm, and the beaches are filled with not only tourists, but also by local residents.

In the daytime on the streets of the city, many people are notable to meet, because they are all saved from the heat in offices or their apartments, and for a walk they come out in the evening. Well, closer to the night, the main pedestrian street come to life and there is a promenade.

During this period in bars, and in the cafe there are always a lot of visitors, and sometimes it is difficult to find a place where you can sit. Even far over midnight on the embankment itself will be constantly boiled and browning life, walking couples, having fun and singing young people, run and play children, and even dinner families and large companies friends.

What time is it better to go to vacation in Almeria? 35240_2

Autumn comes to Almeria far from immediately, and in September, very hot weather is still preserved at an average air temperature of about plus 28 degrees. But during this period there is no such heat as for example, in July and in August months. With the arrival of September-October months, the most favorable for tourists period is the velvet season.

The precipitation in Almeria is usually beginning to fall out from mid-October of the month, while the air temperature is reduced and by November it will fluctuate somewhere within about plus 20 degrees. Then the autumn comes to the resort.

At night, it becomes cooler, and the air temperature drops to plus 15 degrees. Of course, the sea is seriously cooled and therefore the bathing season gradually comes off. In November, the weather becomes more and more cloudy, while flowering ends, and all the greens become faded.

When spring comes to Almeria, and this happens at the end of February - in early March, the air temperature is already rising to plus 20 degrees. At this time, a period of abundant flowering begins, all vegetation comes to life and dresses in bright outfits, and fruit trees and decorative shrubs are blooming.

In the spring of Almeria, the whole glows emerald green, it is full of freshness and is still not exhausted by the hot sun. Therefore, spring is the most favorite time of the year at local residents. Already by May, the air temperature gradually rises and reaches values ​​from plus 26 to plus 28 degrees.

What time is it better to go to vacation in Almeria? 35240_3

The nights become warm, without any sudden temperature drops, so in mid-April, as a rule, the bathing season begins, but it fully opens in May month.

In winter, the air temperature in Almeria may vary from plus 16 and to plus 25 degrees. In December, approximately the average temperature is plus 16 degrees, and this month in this province and ends the swimming season.

Well, of course, January here is the coldest month in the air at air temperature from plus 14 to plus 15 degrees, but February at the same time is the rainy months, since the average number of days with precipitation is as much as 4.

In winter, Almeria is quite boring, because the beaches do not function, and the embankment, where there are many open cafes and bars, is practically empty. For locals, this time is the most favorable to travel to other countries, so they are not so often in Almeria in the winter.

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