Where to stay inexpensively on Costa Adeje?


In fact, the entire resort of Costa-Adeh on the island of Tenerife can be divided into two parts. The border between these areas is so to speak near the hotel "Hesperia Troya" - a little north, where the flow of the Troy River flows and flows into the ocean. But in essence, some kind of difference between these two areas are not particularly not, since the first part seems to flow into another smoothly, and therefore you cannot notice any contrast between them.

But still, if you look closely, each area is characterized by its features. First, it is not necessary to confuse Costa Adeje with just adeh district. In general, the first is a coastal resort, and the second typical municipal center, besides located in seven kilometers from the ocean.

Where to stay inexpensively on Costa Adeje? 35217_1

Here, as an option for accommodation, you can offer tourists only small village hotels. On the one hand, there is much calmer than let's say at the resort itself, but if your goal is to rest on the beach, then this option is hardly suitable for you.

The ocean coast in the western side from the river bed is called the actual Costa Adeh. Here, in general, there are more luxurious hotels, and their main part was built relatively recently. Immediately there are the most beautiful beaches of the resort, then the most expensive shops and of course fashionable boutiques.

In this part it is precisely a calm and measured family vacation, but at the same time placement in the hotel is of course much more expensive than in the next part of the resort. But in principle, if you wish, you can choose a good option in which the double room will cost 65 euros. However, if we speak on average, then the prices are of course much higher.

In the southern direction (from the river bed) there is another part of the resort, which is much smaller in size and is called Playa de Las Americas. As it looks now, this area appeared here about 50 years ago, and on an absolutely empty area located on the southern coast of the island.

Then he seemed to be the local authorities quite attractive for tourists, because, unlike the northern coast, it was reliably protected from winds and weatherlessness by a mountain chain. Some experts even believe that this part can be considered a separate resort, but since there is absolutely no border between them, then in general they are a single whole.

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In principle, Las American is pretty a lively and very funny place, there are much more different parties and a lot of young people from Germany and from England comes here. If during the daytime it is still difficult to feel, then closer to midnight, when those living in Las Americas come out in general on the evening promenade in various bars, then this difference can already be noted with the naked eye. There is only three five-star hotel here, but only one - "Europe Villa Cortes" deserves attention here - "Europe Villa Cortes".

To the greater Las Americas can be considered a fairly democratic resort, we are prevailing simple tours and economy-class apartments. Room prices here on average range from 70 euros, but you can find a hostel and the simplest apartments even for lower prices.

If the Troja River conditionally breaks the Costa-Adeh to the North and South part, then the South Auto Railway AUTOPISTA Del Sur already divides the resort also to the eastern and Western part. In general, about this border we can say that it is sufficiently conditional, and here these parts do not even have any names, but it is necessary to take into account that hotels located behind the motorway are usually cheaper.

At the same time, you must understand that before the beach from here you will have to get at least 15 minutes, but on the way back it may be necessary more time, because the road will go uphill. So it is to seriously weigh all the pros and cons of each specific option, let's say you will leave the resort just a couple of times during your rest to the ocean, and you will swim everything else in the pool, you can choose a remote area. So it is necessary to weigh everything, and after making a decision in which part of the resort you will prefer to stop.

Of course, Costa-Adeh, perhaps, is the best option, if you want to relax on the island resort, which has high quality. Here you can fully combine lazy nothing on the beach with cultural holiday and also enjoy the amazing wealth of nature, and for relatively little money.

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Naturally, the resort has very luxurious five-star hotels and even with rooftop pools, then spa salons, ready to fulfill any caprice for your money, and restaurants who claim to receive Michelin stars, also there are shopping streets that are fully filled with stores. Luxury quality, and at the same time it can still be said that there is an opportunity for quite a budget recreation.

If you want to save in accommodation, then it's best to come here someday in the offseason - in the fall or spring. Of course, you can risk and fly in the low season, but it will be very and very problematic, because due to bad weather, your rest can be spoiled.

Therefore, it is better to start booking a number much in advance when the choice is still wide enough. In addition, if you agree to prepare yourself at the resort, then you best choose the apartments, and it does not settle in hotels with breakfast cases or semi-pathions, because here products for products in large supermarkets do not bite.

If you prefer the Canary cuisine and want to prepare seafood dishes, then you should know that the prices for them are very dependent on the time of day. For example, in the morning, a kilogram of freshly prawn shrimp costs about 35 euros, and in the evening you can buy them with a big discount almost 25%. Also, prices for double apartments are usually starting from 30 euros per night, well, and already numbers in hotels will be 15-20 euros more expensive.

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