Rest in Cadiz: Useful Information


Cadiz is pretty calm and relatively safe city, but still elementary safety rules, even here, no one has canceled in general. So do not leave personal belongings unattended and take jewelry with them, or some expensive items in crowded places. Also, you should not go to tourists to go for walks in the evening to areas that are located far from the city center.

Then the tourists should remember that this city is perfect for cycling, so in order to move in such a way, in Cadizu, it is quite possible to rent this excellent vehicle. However, the work of public transport is very established very well, as well as taxi services.

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The only nuance will be, as well as everywhere - to negotiate the driver about the cost of the trip, well, of course, to trace the taxi driver at the landing, and did not tell you the duty officer here "Mañana", that in the local language means "tomorrow" it seems like But generally meant "someday then." You can call a taxi both on the spot, raising your hand, and in principle, call the company number, which provides such services.

There should be careful on the roads in Cadis, because local residents are not always, unfortunately, the rules of the road are unquestioning. If you want to go to other cities, you can easily take advantage of railway vehicles or by bus.

In the summer, in Cadis, it is in principle very hot and there is little precipitation, since it rains here mainly go in winter. In essence, the summer temperature does not exceed the comfortable mark of + 24 + 26 degrees, but due to the fact that there is very little rains here, then the climate does not seem so pleasant.

Therefore, before going here, you should be sure to stock cream with a SPF factor, sunglasses and is of course the headdress that would protect you from the sun. Well, in the winter time, the average temperature in Cadiz holds at a mark from 0 to plus 6 degrees, so you need to prepare any things for such a European winter.

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In Cadiz, as well as, throughout Spain, there is one national feature - all shops together with restaurants and cafes from 14 to 16 hours of the day are closed on Sieste. So at this time you will not be able to buy something, or somewhere to eat, so you always need to remember this feature.

All state institutions in Cadis in principle should work 9 o'clock in the morning and finish at 17, and Saturday and Sunday are weekends. However, you still need to verify the schedule of a particular institution, because sometimes the schedule varies depending on the season.

In the city, almost all locals are fluent in English, so there should be no problems with understanding here. In principle, in the city, it is quite possible to walk in beachwear, but the only one should not do it to girls who come without accompaniment due to the fact that the Spaniards have a hot temperament and can make some attempts to conquer the special sex.

Then get rid of such attempts you will succeed only with very much perseverance. Well, of course, beachwear is absolutely not suitable for a hike to church and sightseeing. In this case, it is better to dress in the style of Smart Casual.

As a rule, in Cadis, tips are included in the price of the order and range from 10 to 15% and this is already depends on the status of the plant itself. But if this is not specified in the check, then you still recommended this amount to pay the waiter. If you want to fully feel the local flavor in Cadis, then you should go on one of the local markets and there to try to bargain with sellers.

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