What time is it better to relax in Cadiz?


In Cadis, the subtropical climate is mainly dominated. Of course, because the Atlantic Ocean is located nearby, here even in the summer there are never a particularly strong heat, well, in winter, the temperature does not fall below comfortable +15 degrees.

March is essentially the rainy month of Cadis and only in 30 days there is about 90 millimeters of precipitation. However, while the air temperature is quite comfortable - somewhere about plus 17 degrees.

What time is it better to relax in Cadiz? 35157_1

With the arrival of April and, especially May, the air temperature is already reaching even more pleasant markers in plus 23 degrees. In the spring in Cadiz, it is best to come to those tourists who prefer sightseeing holidays and of course want to get acquainted with the most famous places in Spain.

Even in the summer months, the air temperature in the resort is held within the limits of plus 26 to plus 29 degrees. Well, the fietic month of the year is August, when the water temperature in the ocean rises to plus 23 degrees. Therefore, summer is more suitable for a beach holiday near the ocean.

Autumn in Cadis of course is very soft and very warm, and in connection with this on the beaches, even at this time, you can rarely find loose places. September, and october month is also considered here by the velvet season, because the sun bake is no longer so strong, and the water is still very warm - at the level of + 22. But in November, tourists in Cadis are almost difficult to meet, because the rains and the ocean begin Cooled to plus 18 degrees.

What time is it better to relax in Cadiz? 35157_2

The winter of course is the coldest time of the year in Cadiz, since the air temperature holds at + 15 degrees and rarely rises above. Completely go like a short, but very strong rains.

Therefore, this course of the year cannot be called tourist, but in connection with this, the prices for accommodation and food here are set much lower than in the summer. Well, if you are interested in here in Cadis excursively excursion rest, then you are best to come here in winter.

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