Why do tourists choose Gijon?


The city of Gijon is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and is part of the Spanish autonomy of Asturias. For a long time, he was an industrial and shopping center of the country, and the metallurgical industry was perfectly developed here, since they found large reserves of natural resources. However, by about the end of the last century, tourism has already been actively developing in the city of Gijon, a substantially replenishing urban budget.

The resort town of Gijon is characterized by a soft atlantic climate, but here it is not so hot, as for example, in other parts of the Pyrenean Peninsula. In the summer, the air is very rarely heated above the mark of 28 degrees, but in winter the temperature never falls below plus 5 degrees.

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There is a little disadvantage - it rains, which, unfortunately, in these places there are rather often. However, the swimming season at the resort is quite short - it continues from June to August a month, and everything else, unfortunately, the water in the ocean does not warm the above mark in plus 15 degrees.

It cannot be said that in Spain, Gihon is considered some kind of most popular beach resort, but this type of recreation is actively developing here and it is likely that in the coming years he will catch up with its competitors. The best urban beaches in Gihon are considered to be understood, San Lorenzo and Arbayl. And the beach of San Lorenzo stretched almost 3.5 kilometers along the entire coast.

It can be said about him that he is more suited to extreme leisure lovers, since there are large detections of depths and quite strong currents. Well, those who love noisy entertainment, it will be best to relax on the beach. At one time, the purest sand was taken here from the Sahara desert.

Here on this beach every year there is a holiday of San Juan, that is, the hips and thousands of holidays and citizens are having fun throughout the night. It is also inspisitably the very funny festival of cider.

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Well, for a relaxed and family holiday to a greater extent, Arbayl Beach is more suitable. At the same time, it is necessary to note that all the beaches of the city of Gihon were awarded a special sign of differences, that is, the blue flag.

Tourists who choose the Spanish resort of Hichon for their rest, usually do not regret it. They are pleased with the opportunity to relax on the magnificent beaches, as well as attend many interesting places that are incredibly rich in Hichon.

Also, the benefits of this resort include the absence of a huge number of tourists, as inherent in many famous Spanish resorts. Here you can have a great time to spend your time as funny youth companies, so practically and families with children. There are a large number of hotels in the city, where you can always choose a number that will meet all your requirements.

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