What interesting places should be visited in Soma Bay?


First of all, being on vacation at the Egyptian resort of Som Bay, it is necessary to visit here the incredibly popular monasteries of Saints Anthony and Paul. One of them, who is dedicated to the Holy Anthony, was erected in 365 to our era, and therefore it is naturally considered very ancient.

He himself holy in his own place in another place, that is, in a rocky gorge, located just above the monastery. Nowadays, this monastery is surrounded by several churches, as well as there are other buildings. Then around the monastery were planted and now there are flowering gardens.

Inside the monastery you can see many icons with the image not only Anthony, but also other saints. Then about these ancient times here are of course reminded, the frescoes that were written at least thousand years ago. And of course, it is worth visiting the library with ancient manuscripts worthy of special attention.

What interesting places should be visited in Soma Bay? 35111_1

The monastery of St. Paul was built much later, that is, in the fifth century, but he was also built in honor of the saint himself. Paul himself also led a very secluded lifestyle and spent all the time in a cave, located a little further than the monastery. And the way to exactly such a lifetime, he chose exclusively, and despite the fact that his parents were pretty secured by people, Paul decided to completely devote himself to God.

Of course, El Causer is considered another very interesting landmark at the resort. This is essentially a fortress that was built by the Ottomans in the XVI century. Somewhat later she fell under the onslaught of the French troops, well, in the XIX century, the British had passed into the possession of the British, who did a lot to strengthen it.

Those tourists who want to get acquainted with local customs should be unlikely to go to the Bedouin village. There, during dinner, locals usually show all guests their show performance. If you wish from Som Bay, you can go on a long excursion to inspect the great pyramids, well, and naturally visit many other attractions.

What interesting places should be visited in Soma Bay? 35111_2

Undoubtedly, the guests of the resort and the islands are very pleased near Soma Bay. For example, one of them, which is called Abu Bezhech, is completely surrounded by a coral reef reaching a length of one kilometer.

Here, a very active underwater life is observed near this island. In fact, when you will swim there, you can meet Murna and sharks, as well as many different turtles. But due to the fact that there are cold currents here, the tour operators do not advise the dive into the water not too experienced divers.

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