Taganrog - industrial, but cozy city


I arrived in Taganrog, stopping in the middle of the track (at the revolution on themost) Rostov minibus. It was half an hour - not scary.

Coming out of the bus, immediately bought a ticket home, on the evening bus - and went to walk around the city.

The bus station is quite ordinary. But nearby railway railway (Taganrog-2) is very beautiful, old. It would still be too much.

Taganrog - industrial, but cozy city 3511_1

There is another main railway station - it looks pretty standard.

Chekhov is very devoted to the city - here he spent his childhood. One museums are three (a school where he studied, a shop, where the manor worked, where he lived).

Taganrog - industrial, but cozy city 3511_2

In general, the city is very beautiful and well-groomed.

There are parks here, and old quarters, where every home for a hundred years, and monuments.

Taganrog - industrial, but cozy city 3511_3

Taganrog - industrial, but cozy city 3511_4

True, the ecology disrupts the metallurgical plant, but Taganrog is primarily an industrial city, and not tourist. Port, Top Combine, Beriev KB and many other enterprises give residents to work.

Taganrog - industrial, but cozy city 3511_5

As opposed to neighboring Mariupol, a purely worker in which there is nothing to see, there is a mass of an interesting traveler in Taganrog. I am pleased to come here yet.

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